Are demons real?

i was thinking about making a deal with belial.

No, they’re just figments of our imagination.

Mate, people have been working with them for centuries what do you think? you asked if magick was real also. Just go experience, stop asking silly questions, you have an entire forum to use the search function.


So go and do it.

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Only way to know if they are real, or magic is in general, is to take the plunge and find out. Experience speaks louder than anything we can say ever could


You’re asking if demons are real, yet want to make a deal with of all demons, Belial??


Come back and let us know how it goes when you summon Belial while questioning & wondering if demons are real. He can surely show you just how real shit can get. This is coming from someone that works with him on a regular basis.

It might help to do some due dilligence and research before working with a spirit.

Good luck :bouquet:


You re coming to a forum which you know what it is about , and you re Making such questions.
Well, you re doing great to gain the disrespectfulness of everyone here… :fist::fist:


That’s one of those things longely discussed, they may be (so to speak) actual spirits or eggregores etc. Indeed the best reply is to practice and, about that, the “preparatory immersion” is important i.e. setting the intention. Generally it suffices to contact an entity, maybe more than once, and pacts are only for specific cases BTW by feeling magick and Belial as real you would improve such a contact.

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They’re real as long as you believe you’re certain about your magick , belief is a powerful tool

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dude these things sound unreal to me LMAO some fairy tale shit :skull:

Then it most likely won’t work for you :man_shrugging: while I do get some of the shit people say is hella fairy tale sounding not all of it is.


idk i’m insecure also afraid

To be quite frank, working with spirits sounded unreal to me when I was younger. I was raised in a Christian home so I was always taught that believing in anything other than God would earn me a one way ticket to hell…fire and brimstone and whatnot. The thought of contacting any other spirit scared the hell out of me (pun intended)

As I got older and formed my own opinions, I saw for myself that there was absolutely nothing to be afraid of.

Don’t be afraid or insecure. If you feel compelled to work with a spirit, dive right in and do it. If you need help doing it, there are tons of threads that talk about calling spirits, petitions, you can ask the members here etc.


thank you i’ll try my best :pray:t3:

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scared because demons are described so negatively :confused:

I see, but the truth is that you should be more weary of angels, they are actually more ruthless and stern entities.


To quote the grand demon Azazel from the Book of Azazel by EA Koetting: “You ask if I am real? I am as real as the world around you, which is not real at all.”


Fair enough, but when you say you’re

you should keep in mind that these descriptions come from the Abrahamic religions, whose “holy books” are the biggest fairytales of them all.

To answer your question: They’re as real as it gets. Problem is, humans don’t have a grasp on the nature of reality in the first place, no matter what science says, and no matter how clever we think we are. There’s a ton of things we can’t even see or perceive (like certain frequencies), but just because we can’t see them doesn’t mean they don’t exist. If many, many people over many, many generations have worked successfully (aka with tangible results) with so-called demons, you can bet they wouldn’t have bothered if it was all complete bullshit.

There are evil entities out there, but guess what: angels can be pretty malevolent, too. It depends on who you’re calling and from what type of mindset. If you’re scared, you’re more likely to attract some lower-level entity who’s going to mess with you. Happens to a lot of people, and then they claim that demons are bad and whatnot. No, they’re neither bad nor good (but some really dislike humans, so it’s best to do some research) and btw, not all of the entities that got the label “demon” slapped onto them are really demonic in nature.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Is it all real?