Angel Books

Anyone know any good books on angels? Particularly not about summoning or nothing like that, just basic and fun information?


I found this. :man_shrugging:

Magical Information Index Page - Angelic Magic - The Pauline Art

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:smiley: xd


I found Silver Ravenwolf’s book on Angels to be good. It is a Wiccan perspective but I thought it was quite informative and it does present some fun, non ritual ways for communicating with them.

I just can’t make that make sense in my head. :upside_down_face:

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Why? If angels have no problems working with a demonic sorcerer such as myself, why would they have a problem with a Wiccan?

I found it quite interesting back in the day. It was much less religious than her other books and that appealed to me (this was way before I discovered Chaos Magick and even further before EA came into my universe).


How do you know they’re the actual angels you’re talking to? :thinking:

Chaos magic is not my thing, too subjective.

I have a more Stephen Skinner point of view.

How do you know any spirit you are talking to is the actual spirit? :thinking:

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Because you can test them.

And compel them to tell the truth as instructed in every classical grimoire.

You know “Apporitione in testes.”

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You can do the same with angels.

I don’t think Ravenwolf worries about things like that though. It seems to be an occultist thing mostly.

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In the Enochian system (such as the golden dawn) they usually test the Angels when summoned. Its no biggie really.


I know that’s my point, they’re suppose to be tested.

Ravenwolf from what I can tell is quite the new agey “goddess witch” so that makes sense.


First thing I saw in that site was the huge Angel/what.ever.that.thing.was.anyway and right above the “RETURN (to home page)” and instinctively a very loud NOPE emerged from my mind :laughing:


Yeah, I had never heard about testing spirits at all until I read Summoning Spirits by Konstantinos.

I assume, because she works within the Wiccan God and Goddess paradigm, she invokes them as guardians before doing anything and they only let in the spirit called.

One thing I really liked about her approach though, was that she saw the Archangel Gabriel as female, rather than the usual male, and that was the first time I learned that spirits don’t really have a gender but can take any form.


I don’t know why but I immediately pictured someone summoning Lucifer while using Zeus and Buddha as guardians. :laughing:

That’s gonna be a nope from me chief. :sweat_smile:

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That’s fine and dandy with me, man. I’m not looking to convert anyone lol

The OP requested books. I suggested one that I had found useful (it’s probably pretty dated now, come to think of it, as I read it a long, long time ago, in what seems like a galaxy far, far away).

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Yeah I couldn’t find any books on the subject. Unless you’re into reading BIG books on theology.
(And let’s be honest no one likes doing that. :laughing:)


I can’t imagine any information books on the subject outside of religion. There are plenty of summoning ones (I just discovered Gallery of Magick), but I think most people’s framework comes from either Judaism or Christianity.

Yeah, I’ve always seen Archangel Gabriel as female.

Personally I find Angels have a very distinctive energy, quite unlike any other spirit which makes it super easy to recognise them.

Perfect description in this post: