Amon for reconciliation with ex.. I had a dream!

Hi, I saw this post here yesterday with the title ‘Amon ALWAYS deliver fast! Ex-return/reconciliation’ where the OP talked about how Amon helped the OP get back her ex in 3 days. Then I got interested, downloaded a few ebooks on demons and read the other books I had and found some very interesting and inspiring information on Amon and how he helps people reconcile.

So, I just relaxed myself last night… Started listening to his enn from youtube on repeat where his enn is repeated 108 times. Some negative thoughts do come to my mind, I am still a human, but I replaced the faces I didn’t wanna see with mine… I think I fell asleep the first time to the enn and woke up at 3:30 am, repeated the enn again… but this time, I was feeling better… I fell asleep after an hour listening to the enn on repeat and trying to picture his sigil with my eyes closed. I had this dream, where my ex came to me to reconcile. I woke up, I had a picture of my girl, I took a pen and drew Amon’s sigil on top of her face, blew it a few times to activate the sigil and talked to the picture in present tense about what I want (basically followed the OP from the other post).

Now, note: I stopped dreaming for about a week. Even if I do dream, I don’t remember any of it. I did feel really good about it. I wasn’t really thinking about reconciliation, I was picturing my SP and me together, visualizing in my head in the background… but mostly tried to calm my mind, focus on the sigil and chanting his enn. Today on my way to work, I was on the road and smelled this perfume for a short while, which smelled like my ex.

I do not know how to do divination, never had I ever work with a deity or have contacts with them. Now, I am practical person, but I also have full faith about Amon helping me. But is there a way to know if he did accept my petition and has decided to help me? I didn’t really offer anything, I was just listening to his enn and picturing his sigil with my eyes closed.

I was also thinking about following a ritual, perhaps tonight, where I make a formal petition to Amon about the same issue. And for offering, I was thinking about using my semen instead of blood. Now, I would prefer blood, but I can’t find those blood sugar monitors near me (I’m an expat) and was thinking semen is also very potent, so perhaps that as a token of my appreciation. Any suggestions? I’ll really appreciate it

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