Am I the only one who has been feeling on edge

Sounds like this:


Well, for one, this was an idea out of my mind, just one of those crazy ass thoughts, I come up with when I let my mind wonder.

I guess the INTENT would be to take lives sacrificed in honor and putting them to use against those that sacrificed them, for political gain.

Anyway, like I said, just a thought, frankly, I wouldn’t even know how to go about actually accomplishing this.

This is what I mean, ideas are being spammed out at a frantic rate to try to get people accepting the idea, and to get the old regime back… I’m not trying to bite your head off, it is just extremely frustrating in general the rate at which people seem to accept these despite having moaned about the old order for as long as I can recall.

But I don’t mean you personally, just the current thing where defeatism seems to be all the rage in some areas, and complacency in others.


I see your point. I didn’t realize it would be taken as a serious idea, I was only theorizing. Come to think of it, the potential danger is something I had to yet to consider. Sometimes I forget, on what scale we actually exist on.

…AND, I wasn’t being defeatist, simply acknowledging my own lack of experience, I’m still fairly new to my path.


I know, I see that going on in other locations though, it’s kinda depressing/infuriating!


Yeah, it’s hard to see potential go to such waste. Personally, I’ve had nothing BUT success since starting.


now they are planning the crime of the century

Im constantly exhausted, its draining energy… the future prospects are low… the banking deals dry up… noone can shift their debts around… or pay them off… overtime is cut… resource goes to low paid… its a downward cost saving spiral… noone buys anything… recession hits

Also hear the screetch of the world, cant sleep as a result.

Here comes the bad weather AGAIN. YAHWEH was a wind God.

I also think everyone earth worshipping is getting out of hand… in next few years eating meat will be seen as a crime and banned, yet weve had hundreds of years no issues.

Plastic bags… give us paper ones? They do - they charge 20p now we’re used to paying for bags, whereas it wouldnt cut it before… everyone on electric cars… the most expensive resource we have… .electricity… 5G everywhere zapping the life out of everything.

Here we go…