Am I the only one who has been feeling on edge

Oh make no mistake it’s the Troll.


I’ve watched, how’s it related?


Da wae chose u?


Yaz my brudda, naw we most find de queen.


Oh, dude, you just reminded me of something. Gonna PM you

In the video he mentioned the gods are preparing the Earth for their arrival

Boo boo we already here.


The troll?

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I work for a small business in NYC and to tell you the truth maybe you’re right . My sales have been horrible this past couple of days. It’s like no one is buying anything .

I thought I lost my sales charm lol hopefully you’re right and it picks up very soon I need to eat soon lol


Its happening to everyone, its not just you.the fact that something has happened that the ordinary hardworking person is being forced to run behind on bills and even sacrifice normal rights to a good meal, means that there is going to be a cosmic rebellion.The rich are about to get ‘served’ and put in their place for being selfish and creating artificial estate and banking bubbles.

Im just a small time lawyer and usually things are not bad for even small time lawyers, but the kind of behaviour I have seen with even my extremely rich clients in being penny pinchers and disgusting in behaviour towards paying their invoices at all, I would be happy to see the filthy rich people creating this bubble, learn a cosmic lesson that everyone needs to eat and pay bills.If they become more and more mean with every second then nature is preparing a large punch in the nose for them.Last week a client wasted three hours of my time talking about her silly grooming expenditures worth thousands of dollars for her feet and plastic surgery and when I sent her an invoice for her contracts she started moaning that she was being robbed and has yet to pay.The Mentality of those with money needs correction so we can have a healthy economy again.The exploitation and predatory investor behaviour needs to end.The powers of nature will end it.


It’s hard to explain, it’s an entity that likes to feed off negative human emotion is a menace megalomaniac that requires constant worship and admiration. Takes many forms god, state or regime, philosophy and more. It is a control freak that pretends to be the omnipotent force of the universe yet frequently displays that it does not have such qualities or attributes nor a benevolent personality and seems opposite of human independence of thought.


It was an attack. It didn’t feel good.


I agree learning about money and how to maintain it is key to financial prosperity.

In nyc I see a lot of people with depressed looks and it feels bad ( maybe it’s just this city it has always seemed depressing )


A great change is due.


Yes there has been a Disturbance in the Fnords.
Some people been doing a whole lotta waking up lately.

For me it has been a wave of change hitting people to wake them up in a not so pleasant way


Emotions from magi create the strongest egregores. We need to remember that any anxiety over this will cause the creation of a malicious thoughtform. Especially if 10+ magi are feeling this way. We all need to stay level headed or this can possibly get worse. LBRP on the forum itself may work.


Oh, boy, and I’ve felt extreme anxiety and emotions for years. I’m in deep crap then. o_o


Get clients to sign a costs agreement and get money in trust. That’s what I did. If they want to waste an hour of my time I billed them.



“These are uncertain times. Worse than the depression or wars before because we really do not know what is about to happen next.”

I’ve posted on this stuff. I know what will happen because it already is. For one thing, I will die. Lots of people are dying and will continue to do so. This will be like nothing else – ever. Economic depression is bad enough but currency collapse is worse. We’ll get both. I have prepared myself these last eleven years, but I was advised that this forum is for occult, as opposed to pedestrian matters. That said, it’s difficult to do Magick if you’re homeless and/or starving.

One great thing is that Magician poseurs will be exposed for what they are – dickheads so full of it it’s running out of the bottom of their trousers, just like everybody else. The Paradigm Magick I’ve done will bear more fruit as conditions quickly degenerate. I also recommend weight and purity stamped, in-your-hand silver – but what would I know?



I guess it is time to hoard on gold pieces and coins, but who knows if they will be acceptable either.

The first sign is always a failed currency, indicating a political system which has failed the people.

These are not the end of the times, but such times do swallow the fortunes of the people with actual potential to bring positive change in a society.

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