Am i responsible?

Short Story:
"I was given work by a client but because of my Laziness and Procrastination, i did not meet up the deadline. I still needed at least a few days to finish the work. Unfortunately the deadline day had arrived, for me to meet up with the client. I was very upset with myself, at the same time worried and anxious as hell about meeting this client about her work. I wondered what to do, because the client was that headache causing kind (always looking for something negative to pin you on.) Feeling hopeless, there was nothing to do other than ask for spirit intervention and wait for a miracle to happen. Otherwise call the client and make up excuses (if i loose her, so be it). I called on Lord Belial, King Asmodeus and Lord Orobas to have more time to work on the project. Guess what!!! The client never turned up. Later asking why, she apologized and told me one of her neighbor died. I was like FUCK !!! DUDES (spirits) WAS THAT THE ONLY WAY !!! And now i feel like a Murderer, am i a murderer ? Am i responsible for killing that person?


Hey there! So, according to my trusty crystal ball, it seems like your magic might be involved in this unfortunate situation. But hey, no worries! In the future, you can always specify that you want things to happen in a way that won’t harm anyone. That way, you have the power to create a positive outcome. Remember, if you don’t specify, things might just unfold as they will. Keep spreading that magic responsibly!


Yes, indeed i truly realized about that mistake about being specific. I believe i was blinded or clouded too much on anxiety and worry that i forgot to be specific. Also the fact i did have too much faith it would work.


Most likely it was just a coincidence since with life comes death and we all die one day. With take being said take it as a less to slow down, think out and put guidelines when doing your working. Magick tends to take the path of least resistance after all.


I agree with you. next time i will remember to do that, you know set boundaries when it comes to manifesting desires. And funny how i have come across that phrase a lot this last week & this week “path of least resistance”. I wonder if you are a follower or just listen to the youtube manifestation videos “Quazi Johir”. like i do nowadays.


No I know actually. I never heard of that YouTuber to be honest.


okay, if you want you can check it out. He really uses that phrase alot “least resistance”


I will check it out for sure.

Connor Kendall had a similar experience.


I am curious. send me the link to the article

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I forgot the post but I think I know where to find it now.

Scariest Ritual/Magick Experience? - #11 by meow Scroll down to his first comment.

Demons may manifest your desire through the quickest way possible. DarkestKnight knows about this magickian who asked Bune for a large sum money. Bune found that the quickest way was burning his house down so that he could file a $30k insurance claim.


Everybody in manifesting uses that magic and universe takes the path of least resistance and that is why you never ask HOW to be done but go to the end result.


Agree with you. But i guess that is the Scariest Thing “Not knowing the how or what done to get the Results”.

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Oh yes, i remember reading that post. i saw it very funny, because maybe the guy had already rent, clothes, etc and he just needed money maybe for food. Then Bune’s way took the many he had just to give him the little he wanted. Yet, he just wanted the little to the many he had. I admit saw it very funny and hilarious then, but who is laughing now. The tables have turned, Now its me.

I also heard some magician say the Goetia Spirit Shax/Shach does something Similar. Lord Shax/Shach will take somethings away from you, then return it or not. It all depends, whether you have learnt your lesson to appreciate those things you have. if yes, you do have gratitude or show appreciation then it will be returned. I guess most magician would call him the “The Punisher of the Ungratefull & Greedy.” Actually thinking of it, it might explain the “Stealing Personallity” as written about hi in the Goetia. But only that the Goetia writer did not understand his personality well enough. I wonder, are there any magicians who agree with me on this?

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