Am i psychic

I have what i think capability to see the lowest level of astral realm usually when i am half asleep half awake. It usually lasts for half a minute. I see creatures of astral world. How do i develop this. I wanted to try pranayama but i heard you should not try to raise kundalini without guru. Also i have constant buzzing in my ears for years. Got checked by a doctor. He said everything was fine. And i have recently discovered that spirits ring in my ears diffently when they are warning me. And this proved true. Am i a psychic. Am i a medium
How can completely open my third eye? Please someone undergoing something similar. Please share your experiences with me. Also tried some numerology. My destiny number is 7. Does that mean i am drawn to occult because of my past lives. Is this my destiny…to be in occult? Will i succeed because my destiny number is 7 .


What difference does it make?
What would change if you were a psychic, or a medium? Or both? Or none of it?


Numberology is bullshit. Prove me wrong.:face_with_monocle:(half joking)

It’s perfectly fine to raise your kundalini without a guru.

There’s a thread about developing psychic senses somewhere on here. Those will help you develop your third eye.


The good news is yes you are psychic, the bad news is you are not special. If you feel you should pursue the occult then you should. We choose our own destiny although the numbers of life can be guides and signposts through your journey.
Here is a little help with your development


Man i heard some huge gurus in india and elsewhere claiming that raising kundalini on your own can be very dangerous. As for numrology i think its more legit than astrology. Serious undertaking of pranayama will always lead to kundalini awakening. They say thats why you need a guru if kundalini becomes too strong to handle. Are there any others safe methods of raising kundalini ?

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Thanku :slight_smile:

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Seems like a great meditation
Will try it.

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Hearing buzzing sounds in the ears is annoying, but a good sign.
It happends when I`m working with my spirits too.


Great! Do you often decode what they r saying? I have only recently been able to decode a few mesassages which was a warning after years of often ignoring the buzzing. Is that any particular info you would like to give on how to understand them better?

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It seems as if your third eye is already open. You just need to charge it. There are many meditations to do so. One that works amazingly is blue ray meditation by EA check out the video. #ea-koetting


Thanku for the info. Will check it out. :slight_smile:

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The gurus are trying to be gatekeepers and decide who gets power and how long the process should take. If you already have a method to do it, then go for it.


Yes everyon is. Just gotta learn to use it.

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Try the blue ray meditation to open your third eye more. Good luck

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