Advice on quitting cigarettes for spiritual growth

Interesting that I was googling herbs, that I was using and I cam Across Kava and it says it can help to quite smoking, along with addictions in general.


I smoked from the time I was 14 until a year ago. Eventually I developed an addiction to dunhill cigarettes which are very expensive at around $10 a pack. I enjoyed them so much couldn’t put them down on my own. So one day I calculated exactly how much I was spending on my cartons of dunhills, and it was a ridiculously high amount, can’t remember. Then I started thinking about how much I would save if I quit, and other things I could be purchasing if I didn’t waste all that money. I like to have every thing I need for rituals, herbs, oil, candles you name it, and i like to have some to spare in case I need it, plus I love to shop!!! So i just put the motherfuckers down, and now I can do both things, and not on such a shoestring budget. We spend hundreds of dollars on cigarettes per year, and they’re not really doing us any good. That’s what worked for me anyway. Good luck!