Adding complexity to my evocations

I use a pretty simple method and want to improve it to get better results. In my method, I draw out the sigil of the spirit carefully and place it before me, alongside appropriately coloured candles and often jewelry engraved with the demon’s sigil.

To open the door, I use Crowley’s incantation, “zazas zazas nasatanada zazas”. It works pretty well, but I’m open to suggestions on other ways to open the door.

Then I start chanting the demon’s enn while gazing at their sigil. During this, I wipe my finger with an alcohol swab and use a preloaded lancing device to prick my finger, and then offer a drop of blood by smearing it onto the sigil, giving the spirit permission to use that small piece of my energy to come through. I generally feel an intense presence arrive at some point along this whole process.

To communicate, I usually write a petition letter, because my clairvoyance and clairaudience is nonexistent. I’d like to improve both and want suggestions on how to do that in a way that won’t make me wonder if I’m just imagining things in my own inner voice etc. Anyways, with the petition, I burn it while chanting, and scatter the ashes outside to send them to the spirit world.

So, how do I improve my process? How do I interact with the demons more directly? I’ve always been desperate to actually hear and/or see them as if they were a physical presence, but I don’t know how to make that happen, sadly.

Any suggestions on my practice are appreciated so I can improve :3


I would go through @Mike_Bee thread The legendary Prince Orobas and Solomon's 72 spirits of the Goetia

There is a post (probably in the first 15 posts) about choosing a patron spirit and working with them to open your clairs. I highly recommend it.
I also recommend reading the entire thread. It is gold.

From personal experience, I can say that once you open the sigil and feel a presence, close your eyes and just go deeper. As deep as you can. Also focus (not too hard) on distant sounds, maybe a clock ticking etc etc. Then whatever your strongest Clair is naturally, communication will come through that. For me it came as a vivid visual and a conversation, the spirit wasn’t speaking, his lips weren’t moving but he was talking in my ear, from the inside. This happened with King Paimon for me (Thank you King you’re a Rockstar and you know it) It takes time and don’t go with any expectations. Just go with the flow. Believing that you’ll accept any form of communication you get, and if you don’t that’s ok too. It WILL happen with time. It just will.

The first time this happens, it’s better than sex followed by a double bacon cheeseburger.

Also physical manifestation, I’ve heard is a much longer process and takes time, I can’t comment on it since I’ve not had that, yet.


Yeah it is :rofl::rofl::rofl::love_you_gesture: