Abaddon destroyed an Angel and I devoured that Angel

On Christmas morning, I saw a very strange Vision.

I saw a Vision where I was entering my own Temple, and I saw “me” standing at the entrance, warning me about the demonic path that I am travelling on. I was a Catholic until very recently, and converting to the occult was a struggle against my long held belief system. Anyway, I said to the entity that you are blocking my path of Ascent, and I commanded that entity to reveal its true self, and that “me” changed into an Angel which was sent by YHWH/JHVH. As it was trying to escape, I summoned Abaddon who destroyed that Angel, and i saw myself devouring the essense of the Angel.

After that, I saw another “me” at the entrance, also trying to block me from entering my temple, and warning me that Abaddon was lying to me. I again commanded that entity to reveal its true self, and it was a minor being, like a little slave messenger, also sent by YHWH. It then changed into a frog before it was also destroyed with its essense consumed by me.

After that, I was able to enter and occupy my Temple.

YHWH is trying very hard to hold onto its power and enslavement of mankind, and it seems that for those of us on the path of Ascent, He will continue to deceive us through his messengers, or to even outright attack us through his army.


Interesting. Coming from a long catholic background myself, I had a dream not too long ago where I found myself in church. I was in line for communion, and when I reached the priest he immediately reached into my shirt and pulled out my Belial sigil pendant, shouting “you demon worshipper” in front of everyone. I woke up feeling incredibly uneasy, as if it had actually happened. It definitely made me realize that I’m either still fighting my own subconscious or a jealous god who refuses to let go.


This is right in the sweet spot between shamanic dismemberment journeys, where aspects of the self (occasionally seen from the outside) are devoured, hacked up, or even burned, and the cannibal Hymn of Pharoah Unas that has been getting a bit of attention recently, well done consuming an energy pattern/manifestation that no longer serves your goals!

It also synchs with the presented appearance of the troll god entity some of us on here banded with spirits and ancestors to utterly detroy, which had almost no substance except the power given it by centuries of terrified believers trying to stay out of “hell.” :thinking:

Your previous faith created an angel here, the purest harmonic of keeping yourself in check under a code and religious concept you have now rationally rejected, and on this most symbolic of days, you have reclaimed that energy by consuming it with the aid of a powerful demonic King who supported your free-will choice by destroying the structure, so you could reclaim that power.

Impressive work! :+1:


Thank you SO much for your explanation. My vision now makes so much sense. I’m thrived that my old belief system has been destroyed, and the power reclaimed. Thank you so much.


You know what’s great about this? Your visions showed you more about the actual truth of the matter than anything else, i.e. it’s you vs you taking place within YOU. The angels, YHWH, Abbadon are as real and imaginary as the personal self. :slight_smile:


ACK! It’s no wonder I’ve been having a lot of intrusive white light thoughts this morning… I was wondering why this was happening. I had to spend the day with my very Catholic in-laws, so maybe this got Yahweh’s attention. I’m glad I came across your post…


Call on Duke Cohzier, he’ll help:


How would you say one could find their own energy pattern?

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Ask it to manifest before you, allow it to take any form that seems natural to it.


That’s interesting

To simplfy the visions ask you to destroy any self doubt you may have held to your new path before continuing your journey in the occult and ritual worship.


TRUE!! Excellent analysis! Too many people on here fight the “troll god” it is the PHYSICAL humans that believe in that egregore that are the real threat. Especially the Muslims.

Hail Lady_Eva, you said it all and more with such a deep understanding and depth. I can only say, yeah, what she said, every last bit of it. I was about to respond with an explanation, but Lady Yoda and her band of Jedi forum members nailed it. The personal ascension, and ability to command godly assertion over your etheric, mental and entire being, as well as all the sagacious comments from you and other members got me more pumped than the coffee and workout.


What is this sinister entity @Freyja79


Lady Yoda is a high compliment title I gave to Lady_Eva for her comment. It was that or, grand ice witch of Kislev, as I’m a Star Wars and Warhammer kind of gal. I figured Yoda was more well known, and hoped the reference would come across as endearing. If someone called me Yoda and had tacos, I’d think they were proposing. Forms of respect and an awkward compliments from me. Like hey, Littleshart, keep it up and you’ll have chaos magic mastered like Khorne. Yeah, Idon’t socialize much lol.


For what i have learned from reading on joyofsatan’s home page. The information on YHWH is that he dosen’t want us humans to develop spiritual at all.

And if your soul is not protected like if you where dedicated to a spirit “GOD” Like Satan or other type of protection. Then Christians and other human souls can be taken by hes Angels by force to a place to be energy slaves. And they will feed from the souls fear and other energies. Is this the truth?

What does the Demons think about this? And I have read that the Demons of Satan helped humans to survive becous the other gods just wanted us to mine for gold like slaves then distroy us all. If this is the truth that the god YHWH wan’t us humans bad… And his Angels to. Why does some still work with Angels? And trust them and all of that!? I don’t get it.


The thing to understand here is that demons and angels are far older than Abrahamic religions. As such, they’re not at all like what the Bible or even the Joy of Satan website makes them out to be.

Angels don’t actually serve God/the Creator/Yahweh and will only pay lip service to him if the magician expects them to. Also, they are just as willing to help humans with spiritual development as demons are. Just because a being is associated with light or darkness or with a specific religion, it doesn’t mean they’re good or evil.

And demons work with angels (and vice versa) because they actually get along just fine. For example, Lucifer and Archangel Michael are best friends.

Yes, there was a war a long time ago due to a disagreement on how things in the universe should be handled. Overtime, they grew out of it and formed a truce. Humans were the ones that blew it all out of proportion.


Well said! This answer was all I needed i feel. Thx a lot! :smiley: I have resently been drawn to start work with Angels so i will continue to do so. I have read a lot of Angels being evil and harmful to humans but when you put it this way it all makes sens to me in som way.