A Review of Mike Bee’s Chapter 12 of Clairaudience development

Before I begin this review I’d like to thank @Mike_Bee for this method and for his help during my journey.

Where to begin? For the people that don’t know me or follow my journal, I will begin with a quick introduction about myself. I started with the idea of magick and spiritual growth in the summer of 2020. The first spirit that I felt a big attraction to was Duke Astaroth as soon as I read his description in the goetia. So while searching online I found the forum in December and quickly joined. So this is how I became familiar with mikes method.
So let’s get down to the meat and potato’s of this journey. I started using this method of Claire’s training if you will back in March. Basically I evoked Duke Astaroth and asked him if he would be willing to help me develop my Clair’s, granted I didn’t hear or see anything but I did feel a presence and something told me he accepted. Now part of the deal was doing 2 evocations a week one on Monday and one on Wednesday. Now I’m a busy guy with work and a family, but I found the time and scheduled my activities around this commitment I had agreed to do. My idea was if the spirit is giving me the time of day I should reciprocate that respect. So the first month my house and temple sounded like a part of the movie the exorcist, where I would ask Duke Astaroth to tell me his name over and over again. Now I’ll say this, the first month I didn’t experience any clairaudience but my clairsentient started developing I was able to feel the dukes presence in my ritual area, and also I would feel him when he would visit me at work. Now this first month of working with a spirit is probably the month where you will know if there is good chemistry between both parties. Think of it like a relationship developing the spirit is checking you out just as much as you are checking him out. The first month was a great experience in getting to know the Duke, and pretty much the foundation of our future work.
After the end of the first pacted month I evoked again and asked if he would train with me another month, again he agreed but this time I learned a little lesson in deals with the spirits….don’t be to clear or to explicit in some aspects of your deals. First pact I stated Monday and Wednesday, so this time I kept it more vague to 8 evocations in a month roughly 2 a week in case work or life got in the way. Month 2 is where things get more awesome. My temple still sounded like the set of the exorcist “tell me your name” lol. But I got a pendulum along the way and things started changing. My questions went more towards yes or no type but I could feel the duke holding my hand while holding the pendulum. Also looking back at this, I had an idea of what the answer was while asking as if the question was being answered before the pendulum moved, that was me hearing and dint know it at the time. Now to be fair I will say that it is not all fun and games and pros all the time. There were days when I felt like a looser or like there was something wrong with me because I didn’t hear or my definition of hearing, and I would feel like man I make some progress and then take two steps back, or how we said in the army “private you go from hero to zero in a heartbeat”. So if you will be trying this method be aware that you will have good days and you will have bad days, you just have to keep trying. So month 2 is where I started hearing and feeling the spirits more. Now my hearing was mostly a yes or no response. So after a while I started to ask the questions and write the first thought that came into my mind and confirmed with the pendulum. So not all answers were correctly received but I was hearing.
The third pact was for three monts May-July.
These last three months have been real cool as far as my clairaudience is concerned I went from picking up one word to 2-3 words to finally a sentence. Note that during this time I also developed another astral sense, clairvoyance. I started working with a crystal ball during My rituals and got some awesome visions. Duke Astaroth really does have a sense of humor, one time I was seeing his face and before license to depart he blew me a kiss :kissing_heart:. Now I say this so you don’t think that the spirits are always serious and stuff they also have a sense of humor. During the last 4 weeks of our training sessions I started picking up more words and was actually able to give messages to some friends from the Duke.
Now at the end of these 5 months of working with Duke Astaroth using @Mike_Bee s method, I can say that it was roller coaster ride. It was full of accomplishments and of course full of doubts. If I had a chance to do it all over again would I do it? Of course I would! Also another thing I’d like to add is that thanks to this method Duke Astaroth and I took our relationship to another level. We are now pacted and he/she is my patron/matron. Thank you Duke Astaroth for being with me in this journey.

So what would be my advice for the new ops that want to have their Claire’s opened?

  1. do the work! Don’t expect the spirit to do everything yes we are magicians but we have to work for what we want.
  2. Get a training schedule that works for you. Mike says intense is 3 x a week that was 2 much for me but 2 times a week was perfect
  3. Work with a spirit that attracts you, sometimes an attraction to a spirit is the spirit reaching out!
  4. Journal your workings. Writing down everything after a ritual is an excellent way to track the progress.
  5. Be respectful of the spirit that you decide to work with during training, keep your promises
  6. HAVE FUN! Enjoy the ride try not to rush things the destination doesn’t matter it’s the journey.!

Sorry for writing a book, but I really wanted to document my experience using mikes method for Clair’s. Now I know that there are many methods out there, but this method really worked for me and helped me form a great relationship with Duke Astaroth!
Thanks Mike!


that’s awesome bro!

@Mike_Bee helped me out a lot too


Glad other people find value in my work. Keep it up.


Look nice. Ty for share this. where i can find mike´s method?

Here it is.


@Mike_Bee has an epic evocation guide

He helped me find my patron Prince Vassago!

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Thanks @Healing_Heart i meant to post that in the original post also but it slipped my mind.

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