3rd eye break down (Help please)

Hi my third eye seems to be a bit busted.
I used to be able to see much more out of it,
now I mostly just see the much music logo.
A bit of an inside joke between me and the demons I evoke.

Anyways I had gone to an astral travel course
that was run by this Christian mystery school
I say Christian because they basically
force you to except Jesus in order to travel,
but this was not as advertised,
in fact they even posted at the local
left hand path store,
strange because they said we always
put our right hand over our left hand
because right hand path something something.

Anyways in the fine print, which you only got once you
entered their matrix that was setup said:
I could lose my psychic abilities if I didn’t follow their things,
including the 10 commandments.

Meanwhile I finished evoking what was a record number of
demons for me at the time. So it could be the school,
could be the demons, heck it could even be the angels
as far as I know.

But what I do know is I want my abilities back.
Any suggestions?


This sounds like an Brian washing IMO. I am at work but let me come back when I get off and see what I come up for you.

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OK this is bullshit but it seems it has some kind of affect on your subconscious! There is a chance that its some kind of a curse! Either way its something you need to remove! Do an uncrossing ritual and banishing to remove any jinx and subconscious blockages! Do a road opener spell to open your eyes back up! Hecate can help with that too! Or the moon energy!
If you have any documents from this group burn it in a ritualistic way declaring your independence and breaking ties with them!
This meditation helps as well


@TheSaga I complety agree with the above quotes. Sounds like they brainwashed you into having some pretty deep subconscious blockages.

Yeah some banishing is definitely in order. And the video MiKu posted is good! I just watched it and will be trying it out later today.

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I cant even with you anymore :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


You know what. I don’t care that’s why I don’t fix it. But for you


Does make your world all nice and in order again?


Thank you Brian :two_hearts:


I hate you. :joy: my name is Brian the brain :brain:


Thanks that might work.
I haven’t done the blue ray for a while,
Maybe I should just discipline myself to do more Kriya yoga,
It really opened it once.

Yeah it is almost like all my old Christian dogma crickets that I have worked
so hard to get rid of are back.

I like my banishing ritual I do sometimes but… happy new moon.
Do you have any good uncrossing spells?

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I talked about it in another post! If you can get your hand on an uncrossing oil and a black candle your sorted!

Edit: new moon! Best energy to banish! Use it while you can!

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New moon is the bringing of new stuff in your life you are thinking of just slightly after the full moon when it starts towan

Yes waining to new moon! Is for banishing! Waxing to full is to bring stuff

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