18+ steamy thread for single people the next generation

i can say today was the worst day of my spiritual journey šŸ„²


Might be an up coming dark night of the soul. Our you mind is finally deal with shit you didnā€™t want to in the past.

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Getting a dream translation book and keeping a dream journal is an amazing tool.

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Naa i dont know how to say this but

obviously not this ā€¦ do you want to hear it ?

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Sure but get a translation book it will open you mind up a ton to how our mind works. Pretty much everything in our dreams is a symbol for something else.

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I donā€™t trust dream translation books, maybe they offer some advice but it is my belief that our dreams are unique to our own mind and experiences. Just like I canā€™t interpret someone elses dreams without reflecting my own experience and opinion. Now, if you live in the same society as another person you may have similar symbolism but even that comes down to a personal interpretation.

But 100% agree with the dream journal if you can keep it up. I have a hard time journaling right when I wake up but I try.


I would think you would buy from your own area like how my stuff is Americanā€¦ there would be things different the like India so the symbols would be different too.


Soo about my dream

as i remember , I was standing in a desert in middle of a storm and i was trying to walk further ā€¦ one step at a time

then i went to a witchey looking place and there i met a old women who said will help me to do a spell
soo we talked ( and she was normal looking wearing a saree (you can google it ) )

the after some time i said her thanks for helping me and i asked her what did she want in return

She said have sex with me ā€¦ she was really old like 100 years old no kidding ā€¦ she said she helped me and now i have to keep my wordā€¦ soo i took off my clothes and she took off her saree and

i stopped and asked her " are you clean " i dont know why i asked this but when i asked her this her faced changed

she had a big smile on her face her voice changed and soo i started running and she was trying to catch me ā€¦ she was screaming she was laughing and she was running really fast

i woke up it was 7 in the morning ā€¦i checked my phone and my Team Manager messaged us saying that there is a meeting at 8 and as i have already completed my project i went to bed again

then when i slept again ( 2nd dreams starts here )

i was on my bed watching youtube it was around 2-3 at night ā€¦ then after some time ā€¦ i went to bathroom and when I started peeing a boy around 10-12 age jumped on me behind the door ( the door touches the wall there is no way some one could have been hiding there ) and i look at him and ran back ā€¦he went behind the door again i wanted to scream and ask who he was ā€¦ but my voice was mute ā€¦ i tried speaking but I couldnā€™t utter a word

and i woke up

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Iā€™m going to come back to this and read it better.

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Iā€™m available for a few hours, so hit me up if you want one :slight_smile:


sure ā€¦ i will pm you


First one is most likely a spiritual awakening or your digging too help into this and need to step back. When I was reading that part I actually saw Kali on my head chasing you.

The 2nd one I am not sure because my attic dream from watching movies was like that. Though I was the child in it and I saw the attack door open (they are weird in Florida more of a hole in the ceiling) but I too tried to scream but couldnā€™t and called on Lucifer for help. Which is way weird. I think those fears have something to do with childhood or just watching something before bed.

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Was up people how is everyone


Not a fan of horror before bedā€¦ just porn :joy:(jk)

Kali is worshipped as one of the most powerful goddess in my country
Strange as i never thought of getting in touch with any Hindu deities

i didnt get this

From past couple of months every night before i sleep i speak with Lucifer and Lilith tell them about my dayā€¦my further plans and just some general talk every single night

But as i was really really low yesterday i said to Lucifer and lilith i dont want to talk with you guys anymore just leave me alone and this never ever happened before i slept in like 30 sec after saying this ā€¦Strange !!

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Workingā€¦ and overthinking :upside_down_face::slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi everyone, sorry Iā€™ve been absent lol finally got around to taking a decent selfie for a profile pic lolz watch now people wonā€™t remember who I am :joy::joy::joy::joy:


Hello how have you been? The picture looks great.


Hi hi :slight_smile:


Doin great, just getting ready for school and moving. Gonna be alot of work when I get home lol



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