Wow! this is unreal! and these are College students :(

People actually are being chemichally dumbed down. Also keep in mind these are the same people who think conspiracy theorist are crazy. Mainly because they don’t know history. I think the most sad part was that the black guy didn’t even know the fake reason as to why the civil war was fought ( slavery) of course the real reason was terifs and taxations.


Their pineal gland must be calcified the fuck out.


To be fair i have to wonder how long it took them to find those intellectual giants and how many people who don’t have the attention span of a fruit fly they had to edit out? :thinking:

But didn’t you realize college and university are now where people go to get dumbed down? Don’t believe me pick one at random and have a look at some of the exciting and useful courses that are available.

A few of my favorites i’ve found so far are,
Gender and Science: An Introduction.(Marxist indoctrination)
With Liberty and Justice for Whom.(America is evil)
Transnational Feminisms. (Speaks for itself)
Race, Gender, and Representation in Documentary Film. (Put me out of my misery)
Women’s Work: Weaving Feminism and Math. (2+2=5)
Reproduction: Gender, Race, and Power. (your always a victim)
Movements and Migrations: Sustainability and Change in Religion and Culture. (islam good, all others bad)
Identities, Power, and Relationships in Context. (Kek smite this shithole)
African/American: Afrofuturism. (whites are all evil)
And on and on it goes, and the funniest thing is a lot of these “classes” are now becoming mandatory (oh i’m sorry non-binary gender neutral…datory) :rolling_eyes:
Solution, cut off all government funding for this shit, that or remove all warning labels and signs and nature will do the rest…:skull_crossbones:


Dumb, yes…But shit…Some of em have some damn nice titties. Sitri, where are you


Oh yes collage. The place of wounderous sugar tits and butt clashing. That is essentially the only thing that makes me want to join collage.


They are not university students though are they? The masses have always been uneducated even before tap water existed. In medieval Europe the only people who could read or write were the clergy or the privileged.

On the subject of education, this conspiracy theory video looks like what is known as a fallacy Taking a conclusion and forcing data to conform to it. Fluoride erodes your capacity to appreciate history? What?!

It’s the education system to blame. Specialization . Most professional people e.g. your average “high powered” lawyer will not have a fucking clue about, say, basic astronomy or chemistry. Likewise a chemistry graduate probably won’t know who William Blake or Napoleon were, Nothing new there imo.

Ask a group of modern university physics students which century that Isaac Newton, the greatest scientist who ever lived existed or ask them about the Renaissance and it’s significance and you won’t get much but that won’t help them with their careers in industry so why should they know? Right?


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American college is like germany’s class 7-9 (middle school)
but filled with overly sexual students, with brains which have decreased in processing power since the elementary school.

The same do i see with all the “film classics”, regarding all the black movies in the 90’s to the 2000’s … They are SO DUMB, you can only laugh about it -without feeling horrendous pain, tormenting your brain when you are on weed or alcohol.

~People say that we germans are no funny,
thats not true for the most part, but we have a MUCH lower tollerance to bullshit,
the thing is: football, TV and flouride are also effecting our people,
so they think about things, but just to be able to complain about them.


Germans should be more worried about beer intake than fluoride intake.


I don’t know about your folks, but i see more people drinking alcohol than softdrinks.
~the majority of “”“adults”"" seem to avoid the aspartham crap(is a nerval toxin) but prefer a beer of some sort.(ok, but that kills nerves too) -Sure, there are some without any alcohol on the market,
but they are used just as some fillers for the real beer, because -lets face it: beer tastes terrible, just like coffee is it made only for a certain effect, but for this one in particually do people get used to it.

Back to flouride: we have it in chemtrails, salt and toothpaste.

Salt ~not just the salt you can buy, but also “Speisesalz” (salt explicitly delcared to use culinary)
the salt in the bread, the beans, the tomato sauce, the pizza, et cetera:

IF you want to be sure that your intake is as small as possible,
you end up pretty misanthropic, because its everywhere!

~You are allways detoxing your body, fasting a dozen times the year, and if the sky is covered with a blanket of poison (chemtrials) you should wear a mask.

THIS IS WHY, i would like to get out of here, to “dissappear” somewhere in the forsaken green places your country has. -Or, i will be lucky enough to find a piece of calm and green land in my current state

BY THE WAY: i would like to see an thread created, for the purpose of an meeting for forum members, so this international soup of crazy magicians and newbies will met each other.


I’d be interested in knowing if the average German knows how and when Germany became a nation,

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Actually, do i care about the younger parts of history and the currenty shit we go through,
about, how and when those dozens of little kindoms united do i not care.
~I know that the german as a tribe existed pretty long before this pretty young bound of former principalities has risen. I don’t care about the lies and the truth in what is written about “August der Starke” king of poland and count of saxony.

I don’t care about the allways terrible people on power,
but i care about the culture.

~Just to look at the old hymns, like from the times of that empire before the first world war.

Or if i try to pronounce the “alien” terms of the times of the crusades:

Nu alrest lebe ich mir werde,
sit min sündic ouge siht
daz reine lanl und ouch die erde,
den man so viI eren giht.
mirst geschehen des ich ie bat,
ich bin komen an die statt,
da got mennischlichen trat.

Schoeniu lant rich unde here,
swaz ich der noch han gesehen,
so bist duz ir aller ere.
waz ist wunders hie geschehen!
daz ein magt ein kint gebar
here ubr aller engel schar,
was daz niht ein wunder gar?

Hie liez er sich reine toufen,
daz der mensche reine si;
do liezer sich herre verkoufen,
daz wir eigen wurden fri.
anders waeren wir verlorn;
wol dir, sper, kriuz unde dorn!
we dir, heiden, deist dir zorn!

Do er den tlevel do geschande,
daz nie kaiser bal gestreit,
do fuor er her wider ze lande:
do huop sich der juden leit,
daz er herre ir huote brach,
und daz man in sit lebendic sach,
den ir hant sluoc unde stach.

Kristen, juden unde heiden
jehent daz diz ir erbe si.
got sol uns ze reht bescheiden
durch die sine namen dri.
al diu welt diu stritet her:
wir sin an der rehten ger:
rehl ist daz er uns gewer.

German translation:

Jetzt erst lebe ich richtig,
seitdem mein sündiges Auge
das Heilige Land und die Erde sieht,
von der man so viel Ehrenvolles sagt.
Mir ist zuteil geworden, worum ich immer gebeten habe:
Ich bin an diejenige Stätte gekommen,
wo Gott als Mensch wandelte.

Schöne Lande, reich und herrlich,
was ich davon bisher gesehen habe,
die übertriffst Du alle weit.
Denn was für ein Wunder ist hier geschehen!
Dass (nämlich) eine Jungfrau ein Kind gebar,
herrschend über alle Engelscharen,
war das nicht ein vollkommenes Wunder?

Hier ließ er, obwohl er rein war, sich taufen,
damit auch der Mensch rein sei.
Dann ließ er sich hier verkaufen,
so daß wir Leibeigene frei wurden.
Anderenfalls wären wir verloren gewesen.
Heil dir, Speer, Kreuz und Dornenkrone!
Weh dir, Heidenschaft, daß dir das Zorn bereitet!

Nachdem er den Teufel besiegt hatte,
besser als jemals ein Kaiser gestritten hat,
da kam er zurück auf die Erde.
Und es schmerzte die Juden, dass
er, der Herr, ihre Wache durchbrach und
dass man ihn seitdem als Lebenden sah,
den sie mit ihren Händen geschlagen und durchbohrt hatten.

Christen, Juden und ,Heiden’ (= Muslime)
behaupten, dass dieses Land ihr Erbe sei:
Gott soll uns dies nach Recht entscheiden
im Namen seiner Dreieinigkeit.
Die ganze Welt streitet hierum:
wir allein Verlangen es zu Recht:
Recht ist es, dass er es uns zuerkennt

English translation:

Now, for the first time, do I live worthily
since my sinful eye saw
the Holy Land and the soil
which is praised so highly.
That which I have prayed for has happened
I have come to the place
where God walked as man.

O beauteous land, rich and noble,
over all that which I have seen before
are you the crowning glory.
What for miracles have happened here!
That a maiden bore a child
a Lord over all the ranks of angels,
was that not a miracle most rightly?

Here he let himself be baptized
so that mankind be purified;
there he let himself be betrayed
so that we would be free.
Otherwise we would have been lost;
To your salvation - spear, cross and thorn!
O woe ye pagans, wrath shall descend upon you!

After he had shamed the devil
which no emperor could have done better
he then returned to the world:
Then arose the Jews suffering
that he the Lord broke their seals
and that he was seen alive among man,
he whom their hands had struck and stabbed.

Christians, Jews and Pagans (‘Saracens’)
say this (land) is their inheritance.
God should righteously decide this
in the name of his Trinity.
The entire world battles here:
we however have the righteous claim!
right is that he acknowledge us!

If i do my research about the our history, i’m more interested in what really happened, even if that mean that i have search far longer.

And like i mentioned: i care more about the mentality of those people back then,
because i feel like “being home” while listening to those songs, or by reading about the ideas and culture of the people back then.

~This calming feeling is growing if i go dressed in a certain manner to a medieval market at one of our remaining castles.

I wanna know who those people were, and who i was before.

Back to your question:

As i was looking for the video, i found the answer:
the holy roman empire → german confederation → german empire (1871) → german republic
With taking out tons of details, but even with those would it be a hard time to me knowing when what was, because spoken in legalese: the holy roman empire existed until 1804/1806
But i care about who those people were, and about the old internal jokes in saxony, or the steriotypes, how the saxons thought about the bavarians, how saxons used to think about the thuringian, and how the relation to england was for real.

~In NS-times we used to call the british our “Ewige Feinde.” But how can people our long and old enemies, if they are related to us?? Think about it: the saxons and the anglo-saxons -those who became the english people. -The sons of dogs on power were the problem, at all times.
And at all times the majority of the people were wrong, because the leader were allways bastards.
I don’t think that this has changed in any way.

Fun fact: Being a bastard was in germany until the 90’s still considert a bad thing XD
-So… i’m like one of the last german bastards :sweat_smile:

I know, i know -the whole post is totally off topic.


Just watched this. A minute was enough to make me shake my head.
Wow. I’m not even a US history nerd and even I know that the revolutionary war isn’t the same as the civil war. That’s US history 101. Every American kinda has to know that.
The minds make the boobs less appealing.
Sad. The fluoride doesn’t help anything. Bleh. My neighborhood has fluoride water and we have to filter it through an addition in the fridge to drink it. It doesn’t taste good unfiltered had I’m pretty sure it doesn’t help with anyone’s IQ.


This is a real thing, not a baseless notion:


You mean calcified. Crystalization is a natural progression for the pineal gland. It enhances the transmission of frequencies and information for greater intuitive and psychic abilities. Much like a radio.


Fixed it

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I dont think so.

~The pineal gland is floating in liquid.
And people who claim to have de-calcified it, are usually pretty spiritual ones.

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That’s correct but a tiny crystal will form in the center.

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You mean… the liquid is the connection to the rest of the body,
and the feeling of pressure, while “opening” your third eye,
is actually the building process of an small crystall, which functions as an antenna?? :flushed:

Well if it makes you all feel better I met an Einstein level medical genius last night and he is still studying.

Here’s the thread…