Spirits Who Contacted You Spontaneously & Unexpectedly?

Astarte was the first spirit that contacted me completely out of the blue. She actually came in to me kind of . I said something which I knew was her speaking through me and when it was happening , for that very brief moment, I was somewhat paralyzed. It was mind-blowing. Hera manifested next. Her manifestation came in a current . It was more of a heart calling than anything else . Hecate came afterwards. She will speak to me audibly on random occasions and will try to enter me at times , and I have seen her in astral form on various occasions . The damnedest thing though, we don’t work very well together when it’s a one-on-one spell . However, if I simply call out to her and ask her to do something for me . She has done it before. Talk about playing hard to get! Then came Apollo who manifested himself to me in my third eye and heart calling… and Lucifer, he also showed up in my third eye and it was almost like he was in me but not possessing me. More like he was trying to prove that he was actually with me and then I was not just imagining things.

I’m very touched and grateful for all of these spirits.

This is the best that I can remember things.

There has been a lot of odd happenings in the midst of all of this with random, unnamed spirits that had no relation.


Baron Samdi popped into my mind as I was about to fall asleep, had to google him, I then repeated the name when a raven then landed on my window and started looking in, it was bizarre as I hadn’t been using Voodoo at all.


Bumping this for our newer members, who may find it intetresting or have experiences to share. :+1:




Added to my ever growing list of goodies on the debunking selling of souls thread :grin:


Two major cases stand out in my mind. In one of them, at the time, I was deeply into shadow exploration and found myself almost obsessed with death magick. I wasn’t studying or practicing it any longer–just felt a longing to experience the thing again as I once had. Meanwhile, I began to feel I’d been sensing something around me, but repeatedly brushed it off over the following days. Then, one day while doing some ritual the sensation of a presence became much more intense, so I tuned into it and projected the question of who it was. “MMMMMMOOOOOOOOOOT!”, was the slightly drawn out, booming, shouted and almost growling reply that I received. I politely excused myself to look him up, and found out he was a god of Death, before returning to very, very politely say “thanks, but no thanks.” I later got the feeling there was a kind of possession influence at work through Mot, and that maybe his approach was out of a desire to increase that same influence over me through giving me what it seemed I wanted and that he could provide–power. But that’s my take. I only know in my experience that the spirits are like business people in that they may sense an opportunity in us and seek it out.

The second case seemed far more fantastical, and is one of the majorly important (to me) incidents that I am able to credit with allowing the faith necessary to continue diving deeper into evocation and the likes of magick. It started when I allowed myself to be drawn into a magickal conflict some odd years ago when I lived within a more impulsive mindset.

Long story short, I was doing a lot of dark ritual work, and one day I felt a major presence appear in my temple during ritual much like with a physical evocation. Again, I was in a technically altered state because of that, or so I notice in looking back. I tuned into it and my imagination translated the energy signature into a massive demonic juggernaut standing no less than 8’ tall, having bulging muscles that would put any body builder to shame, except he had this deformed animal-like head with a big snout. I asked who it was and got “Adramoloch”, which I later found was “Adramelech”. When I looked it up he apparently had a donkey head, but if anything it looked much more like a hairless or bald fusion of the humanoid and donkeylike more than either; leaning towards being donkey like.

I’ll skip over the interaction and what was said as it’s largely personal, but I had asked him a few things including where his sigil could be found as I think at the time I couldn’t find it easily online. He told me I already had his sigil, to which I asked where. He suddenly moved his presence into my closet library and I saw a momentary flash of him pointing at my stacks of books as if to guide me over there before becoming a purely physical presence again.

Obligingly, I looked with doubt as I am familiar with my books, and looked over the next two or so days again and again, page by page. Until I gave up. And forgot about it thinking I imagined it all. But a month or two later, I went and looked up something in one of Koetting’s books and voila–staring back at me from within the page was Adramelech’s freaking sigil. Lo and behold, he was correct. And instantly I got the chills. Although to date I never followed up with him. Never have I ever had something that intense happen unwilled.


I remember another. A minor case that occurred more than once was with Sitri, although it wasn’t totally random to be fair. I apparently have quite an affinity for Sitri I should mention, and moreover yet again, latent mediumship talent which may or may not involve exuding ectoplasm. Ectoplasmic manifestation in theory can take the place of incense or elixir, so it’s one guess.

So yeah, some odd years ago, when I would even simply meditate on Sitri’s sigil, I would get a strong connection and fast, and to the point where two times during at least I had seen a flash of his floating disembodied, and somewhat disjointed, leering head nearby along with his strong physical presence. It was like he couldn’t wait. A very eager and helpful spirit to many, for sure… :slight_smile:


I’m not entirely sure, It’s pretty far removed from the human experience, in a sense it’s learning sentience from me, apparently a compatible mind is needed, and a combination of non-linear, and abstract thinking is key. I get impressions of a link to Azathoth, Nyarlathotep, Cthulhu, and Hastur, POSSIBLY Yog Sothoth, but I’m thinking The Nameless Mist. as I was given the DISTINCT impression that names are not relevant, there is no mistaking this entity. The name I use for it is, apparently, for me alone, anyone else would be told the same.


Mictlantecuhtli contacted me indirectly during a dream. I was walking through a forest and passed three young teen boys in native Meso American dress standing around a campfire. In the conversation I picked up, they were talking about a powerful God of the shadow and called his name. To anyone not familiar with this language, it’s very difficult to pronounce but I wrote it down later as best I could catching it only by ear.

I had almost forgotten about this when I decided to search through Aztec Gods for funsies. I’d never heard of him before and I felt both stunned and excited to find his name listed as a death God. Unfortunately information about how to work with the Aztec pantheon is basically non existent. While I feel grateful I also get the distinct impression that I shouldn’t contact him until I have more experience.


Night before last I was doing my standard meditations and preparations for dream work and I found myself falling into a black pit and a cavern of dead things and found myself confronting a demon called Bartaras the Killer of Desire and its Realizer, as he called himself. Got his sigil too but haven’t copied it down yet. It is a bit of a story with him apparently being enlisted to work against me by a spirit I had a previous feud with but now that was over he was hanging on the outskirts.

Tried doing some research on him but didn’t find anything I specifically made sure to check for any relation to Barbas but it doesn’t match up in any way. Said he was of the qlippothic sphere of Nahemoth. I am considering making my own separate topic seeing if anyone has heard about him before I asked two of my closer friends who are also well versed in magick and his name seemed very familiar to both of them and they knew it wasn’t from the similarity to Barbas but they couldn’t place from where beyond excluding that.


Azazel he showed up during a meditation and helped me out a bit with working in my third eye he also shows up whenever I simply mention his name mentally or out loud


This takes me back, forgive my long-winded response in advance.

Before I started my path, I’ve always been interested in the supernatural. Especially demons. However, I was always skeptical about the experiences and I lacked time to delve deeply into it at the time.

One day, I had the worst day of my life. I hit rock bottom and was contemplating suicide. Prior to the day, I had never had suicidal thoughts. My identity was shattered completely and there was no reason for me to live. I had a knife in my hand and I was contemplating the most painful way I could kill myself.

Just as I was gathering the resolve to end it, a profound, dark entity manifested in my room. Even though my senses weren’t as open as they are now, this being felt so powerful that anyone could sense it. The energy filled the room. Very heavy, dark, and cold at first. I felt this being embrace me from behind and the energy warmed me. I heard a very stern voice in my head, “Put the knife down”. I did and I just cried and cried. This being just embraced tighter, almost like I was in a vice. Then it told me, “you are safe, my child”.

The weeks to follow, I was led to books, sites, videos, and even random people throughout the day. Leading me to information on demons and black magick. Even at work, I had two incidences where two separate people would walk up to me and say, “Dark Blessings to you” as they left.

I was on YouTube, just looking up videos when I noticed a video that was completely unrelated to what I was watching. It was a band named, “Lord Belial”. So, I gave it a listen and loved it. It resonated quite deeply with me. Later that night as I was going to bed, I heard something in my head, “So, you enjoyed the music I see. Good.” And from there, began a conversation to discover it was King Belial. I have him to thank for getting me into black metal. lol

The next demon was Asmodeus. He came to me in my dreams. Ever since I was young, I’ve had recurring nightmares of falling into lava and I could feel my flesh burning and everything. Well, this time it was different. I was in a pool of lava and it burned; however, I saw a demon staring at me from atop the edge of the pool. He said something along the lines of “This needed to be done and this is the only way you’ll progress and become stronger”.

He slipped into the pool with me, stared at me, caressed my face, then grabbed the back of my head and submerged it into the lava. I also discovered I wasn’t awaking from the dream like I normally do. “This is for the better”, he said. I have no idea how to describe the pain I was feeling. Like every piece of me was melting away. I then embraced and made peace with the pain, instead of fighting it. Very trance-y. Then, the pain stopped and he allowed me to come back up. He smiled and I woke up. Ever since then, I’ve never had a lava nightmare again.

A few weeks after that is when the incubi started having their way with me in dreams. When I did rituals, or rearranged my room in a pleasing way, I would have an incubus experience. I suppose that was the demon’s reward to me.


Something that claimed to be Satan decided to bother me while I was meditating one day. Took a viper’s form in smoke and wrapped around me. Told me I wasn’t welcome there, yet.


amaterasu and susanoo!



Great thread. This is how I started on my path.

I was going to bed one night a few years ago, depressed drunk and stressed as I was (because that’s how everyone’s “supposed to be,” didn’t you know?).

And I heard a voice as clearly as I have ever heard anything say: “My name is Azrael.” Never heard the name before. Imagine my surprise when I Googled him the next morning.

He kept bugging me. For years. Until I finally opened my mind and the universe started pouring in. And then he just went away.

Go figure.


That is SO cool, thanks! :+1:


Here in Texas and along the border, the Catholic Church does not love her - because, to be blunt about it, she will go where our blow-dried modern Jesus” will not. She helps narcos, prostitutes, illegal immigrants - everyone who the Jesus described in the Bible said he was actually interested in -


PS - congrats on the correct word ”Santisima.” There is nothing wrong with “Santa,” but “Santisima” conveys that additional measure of respect -


After I read a book entities seemed more interested. I believe it has to do something with when you’re ready.


Had a conversation in the middle of a forest with a red-eyed gentleman that wore a dark robe, when I was in Lappland somewhere around 15 years ago. Claimed he was Lucifer and that was later confirmed when I started practicing evocation. He has also visited me in dreams more than a few times in various forms. After that was a visitation from Hecate, while I was meditating on the book Queen of Hell and self-initiation into the Primal craft current. She told me to take my time, she would be waiting. Turns out it took me almost 8 years. My grandpa came to say goodbye to me in a dream before I knew he was even ill not to mention dead. Freaked my parents out when I woke up and the first thing I asked was if grandpa was dead. Mom got a phone call that he was a couple of hours later