Power sensing topic

Would you be willing to poke at me too?

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Alright here’s what I see.

A Cave with a black staircase going down…
this staircase leads to another cave within this cave
Violet flames upon black torches lined up against the cave walls as you descend into this other cavern within the cave.
It’s like a room with an abyss at the bottom No floor
See the qlippothic tree just floating in there just spinning around slowly
Feels like Hekate here
This cave is under the nice looking prairie I saw last time when I read you previously…

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I’ve been seeing a lot of qlippothic things lately with people on here.

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Sounds like a decent into madness lol.

I’ve never worked in Qlippothic paths. Never had a plan to. Or maybe I just don’t know enough about it and I have been thinking about something along those lines.

And this maze of caverns being underneath the prairie you saw last time seems to be a continuation of the balance you feel from me. When you say balanced you feel a dead even split? No leanings one way or the other?

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There is a bit of a lean towards dark things in general.

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Hmmm. Thank you for the read.

Tiamat in the Qlippothic tree?

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Some might find it odd
But I find Tiamat and Hekate’s energy to be very similar
Not sure if that’s just me.
So Tiamat could also be calling you.
And is Tiamat in the Qlippothic tree?
Well not quite
She is however in the Draconian current which is very very similar to the qlippothic current.


@AlphaC I will refer you to my posting above in this thread where I speak of the Dragon in my head.

I’ve been referred to working with Tiamat by a friend. This Dragon is an aspect of myself that comes to the forefront when I play with fire. There seems to be a gap there though as I completely loose myself to the Dragon in the shift. I’m me…but…not
…me…make sense?

I don’t know how the Qlippothic tree would really be of use to me. But Tiamat very well might.

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Instead of the Qlippothic current how about the Draconian current?
Seems closer to home.

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Yup. Let’s dip into the draconian current and play with the bloodthirsty beast in my head. What could go wrong? Sounds like a fun Saturday night plan. :smiley::rofl::upside_down_face::metal:

Thank you again :blue_heart:

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Alright your turn.

You feel stuck.
I see books piled on top of each other
I see a black hill of black grass.
I see you standing on this hill with your arm against a black pine tree
The sky is a dark indigo with some black.
I see a moon crescent
Your just looking into the distance.

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Someone reading me?
Feel my leg tingling Lmao

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i read you, and… wow very interesting, very weird stuff…

A humanoid figure stands before me clad in what looks like dark green, drab, artificial foliage (kind of like a ghillie suit). Using a pervading voice resonating and radiating from its solar plexus, It begins to chant mysterious, alien syllables that I can’t decipher (and also that flow through the entire vision unwaveringly) while rhythmically making strange gestures with its hands. Exact clones of this entity materialize in a symmetrical echelon formation behind it, to its left and right. They are all chanting and making these gestures in perfect unison.

There was some kind of transition here that I am struggling to remember, even just mere moments after receiving the vision… all I can retrieve is that there was some kind of bright white realm that was the setting for the next part of the vision

A singular pitch black point forms in front of me, floating motionlessly in mid air, contrasting the solid white background. A finger rises from the point, piercing the fabric of this reality, making way for its hand, its wrist, its forearm, more fingers attached to more hands attached to more wrists to more arms start to emerge and expand the aperture further and further. Concentric circles of these dark, ashen limbs slither radially away from their point of origin, creating a massive circle, ever growing. From the center point, a spire emerges, made from unknown material. It is black and slick and seems to simultaneously absorb and reflect light. The spire towers over me, dauntingly. Several orbs of ghostly silver light come into being around the pinnacle of the sky-scraping monolith. These shining motes orbit faster and faster around the structure in a clockwise fashion as the tower itself begins to rotate counterclockwise. Faster and faster they all spin with gradually increasing momentum until the mysterious pillar suddenly, violently shoots upwards, piercing and drilling into and through the palm of an enormous fleshy hand. The hand, decorated in crimson, hole gaping, belongs to a man with icy blue eyes and dirty blonde hair that extends down to the length of his throat. Seemingly feeling no pain nor other emotions, he brings his hands over his face aligning the portal through his flesh over his third eye as he gazes into me… He then pulls a black serpent from his mouth and places it over his finger, like a sheath. He reaches out and the snake starts violently wriggling…

Again, the memory of the vision at this point became corrupt and I can’t access it no matter how hard i try…

I find myself floating in some abyss of endless blackness surrounding me. A large blue triangle appears before me as a kind of table. Three spikes emerge perpendicular to the surface of the triangle at each of its corners. A current of crackling electricity flows through the three points, opening an energetic doorway in the center. A strange, robotic looking thing arises from the door and sweeps and analyzes its surroundings with its one cylindrical eye. It rests its gaze upon me and it approaches. I intuitively raise my shields and send out antenna-like tendrils to sense its intentions. It disappears from whence it came before I can fully comprehend its mission. A shadowy being, short in stature but large of cranium, shifts into being in front of me, takes one glance at me and replicates itself into four copies. They form a square in front of me and begin trying to enter my mind… I immediately cut contact and close the vision. Not necessarily because I felt threatened (I didnt) but because I could not for the life of me get a feel for their intent. It was like trying to read a book with a blindfold on…

youre involved with some weird shit, arent u? lol

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Indeed, there’s someone in my life with who my relationship changed, we were very close til recently and things changed, don’t know why (hence the confusion I guess). And yeah I’m kind of clueless about how to get back what we had before :woman_shrugging:

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I saw a dragon head, ferocious, growling.
Then a star that was not the sun, a big yellow star (like this)
The number 8.
A beautiful, shining sword and the hand that was holding it : firm, strong. A second later, blood on the blade and the sound of clashing sword (but didn’t see a fight)
And the sound of money, like a heavy bag of coins being tossed.

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Someone read this lol. @KingOfHearts616 @AlphaC @Dinmiatus @ anyone

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Dragon is on point.

The number 8 is a number of harmony right?

The star fits with an entity that popped into my life not too long ago. There was a mixing of energies so you might have picked up on some of that

The sword with blood on it: It’s almost time to strike. I’ve been patiently waiting for the right time to pounce on my enemy and rip his throat out with my fucking teeth. I was thinking last night about this situation and how close I’m getting to having my revenge.

Bag of money…? Well my husband is making just a tad bit more than he used to as of last week so that might be that.

Well done. :smile::blue_heart::smile:

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The number 8 is a number of harmony right?

I’m reading a lot of stuff about this number, it can correspond to :

  • harmony, as you said
  • justice
  • money and power
  • Creation, destruction, renewal/resurrection, eternity
  • the Antichrist, who is the 8th King in the Book of Revelation

Many things for a single number :sweat_smile:

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Don’t know why, but I see a lion :thinking:
And a pair of eyes looking at the camera. Not in a nice way