Help destroying an enemy that acts as a friend

Oh I can tell you there are a few people that have pissed me off along the way. I don’t want to do them all in one go though. I figure I will do the next when I see this guy in the final stages. Mb one a month. Shit, I could be still going a decade from now lol!


Well you’d be better off making a student pact with Axa Oddra for the duration of this decade where you have one of them in your life for the duration of the pact. It will come as way cheaper pacts for vengeance with Her if you become Her friend.
That is if you want to use Her for all of them… The fact is that she seems to consume your enemy’s souls and send them to Nadharkis where their essence is turned into crystals that strengthen a safer connection to this world. So by giving her targets to hunt you are kinda helping her. So yeah she might even do them just because she may like you.:wink:


@anon72351403 oh I fully intend on making her part of my daily works. Man did I sleep well last night. 9 hours straight. I haven’t done that in ages


Just make sure you read trough the topic every now and then cause i update daily as i invoke Belial into my core being and allow Him to rebuild me and give me new insight into Axa Oddra and Nadharkis. You can also speak with @AlphaC since He seems to have connected with an Axa Oddra almost instantaneous. He reminded me of when She first contacted me something like 10 years ago and completely merged with me. But now that i get to truly know Her more and see Her world, my ascension is accelerated times 666 and i have never even anticipated for things to arrange themselves so easily!
Try and connect with Her yourself once you made a pact sealed with your blood or cum.
I find that she always has something new to teach me and she almost always throws one of these mind boggling revelations about our world that if i’m not in a partial trance (like i am now) my human mind automatically denies all just because of the unbelievable amount of power.
And like you saw, once connected with Her she truly becomes like an infernal fire flowing trough your blood.

If you ever find that you get a revelation that needs sharing feel free to add that to the topic about Her…

Just did a merger with Belial/Grand Master Aposton and Axa Oddra… I am an entirely new person. WTF?

Edit: You can find Her Sigil, Her Enn and Her picture somewhere near the beginning of the main topic about Her… Somewhere the beginning you will find that the most optimal summoning technique for Her is to use one yellow candle in between two black candles. A mirror in front of you and one behind you to create the infinity tunnel of the 4th dimension, Her sigil so that you can gaze at it, Her image so that this can amplify your connection and Her enn for perfect ritualistic summoning.
But you can also use a bare minimum of a black candle and a black mirror if you can’t come across the other resources.
Her colors are Black and Yellow.

Another Edit: She is the first pupil of Grand master Aposton - Belial of Nadharkis in Her whole world and thus has His blessings…
Also she is a legion of demons onto Herself! There seem to be Quintillions upon quintillions of her all over her world!:dizzy_face:


@anon72351403 I currently find myself with only a black candle as I only have one holder plus lighting more than one can be difficult as I have someone who can smell a candle burning across the house. As with quite a few other people I am restricted because of my living arrangements. I have her sigil (with both on as suggested) and used her enn. I have one small (think tennis ball) size mirror and I can probably scrounge for another somewhere. I try not to actively look for images someone else has of a being as it is the way they see them, I may see differently. That particular colour combination has been a favourite of mine for years from about 8. I remember choosing a toy back then in those colours and it was the only one in those colours. Black with gold/yellow trims.
I also have Belials sigil printed out.


Yeah… A black mirror is basically a printed full on black A4 or A3 paper… But it is not essential as the way i invoke Belial and other demons into my core is just by their sigil and the respective candle.
As for the image part, You’re on point with that except i have been connected with Her for the last decade and have asked Her to show me any other forms she may chose to have and she only oscillated between the angelic form she used to give Herself as when i was not a fan of the dark arts and a shapeless blob of fiery energy…
Now the only difference is that Her face as a demon is a bit scarier than what she used to show me in the past… All with those black cold eyes, fangs of a demon and (probably not visible) yellow veins that start off from her eyes and spread all across her body…
She always prefers to shape herself around the form of a redhead with blue eyes and pinkish skin…
Even now i keep asking Her for a different form but if you find that she might present herself different to you then i would be truly impressed.

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@anon72351403 How did you make a pact?

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Axa Oddra introduced Herself in my life about 10 years ago when i was still working for the G man. She came in as this alien elf spirit of light from another world, i did not knew back then it was Nadharkis, and neither did i knew her real name of Ax Tenebrae Ornagga or Axa Oddra. I did not knew also if she was part of a vast and ancient army of demons that were trained by Belial. I thought she was your friendly neighbor elf angel that came from god in order to help me along my spiritual path to enlightenment. She came by a different name back then and a different attitude. Much the same attitude i am telling her to use when i go to different people that are following the troll god in order to corrupt them and turn them to our cause.
She was incredibly patient with me and slowly turned me further and further away from the one who considers himself almighty.
My pact making with Her only started something like three weeks ago when i started to follow the teachings of E.A.
Since my personal Axa Oddra and I are now in an intimate relationship from well before i came back home in the darkness of Belial, i do not make as many pacts with her since my Axa Oddra (Not the whole legion) Is kinda my spirit wife. But usually i light a black candle to Her sigil and seal whatever contract i make with her trough a drop of my blood. I do give her every now and then my cum since duh, we are spiritually married.


I just now realized that there was another enemy in my life that was probably more responsible for my destruction than any other. So without hesitation i intended to destroy her with whatever i could.
I don’t have many resources at my disposal for making complex cursing spells but i was desperate to get rid of her curses.
So this other enemy was a girlfriend i had during early years of high-school. Lets just say that i met her at a hippie parade that was all about moving into the 4th dimension and shit. So basically i was a stupid overconfident teenager who decided to make out of this unknown girl my girlfriend. So it worked but our relationship was bumpy to say the least. Only later did i found out that she was a witch. Boy; my luck right?
Lets just say that we broke up in bad terms. Ever since then i had this feeling that she placed a curse on me and my family but everyone seemed to have disagreed. At the time i had almost no clue how magic worked so i let it go only to see how my confidence was being drained and how my life was going down the drain.
Only now like 7 years past and reading trough this awesome forum i remembered of her. There was a glimpse of darkness there pointing me that Father Belial had led me to this older enemy to show me the reason for being stuck again. Thank you mighty Belial for your protection and guidance!
So now i went straight onto cursing her and undoing whatever she had do to me and my family.

Taking under consideration everything you awesome demonic brothers have told me here i meditated and placed myself in a position of power. I was seeing her as this desperate little imp that had no idea with who she had fucked with!
So from my position of power i took a puppet written her name on it and bonded her first. Then i used my personal magic that combined with skills learned from this forum and master E.A. i filled her with the utmost darkness as i was actively rotting her soul.
Then Axa Oddra my beloved demon came and offered to help. With Axa Oddra i created the most powerful curse ever because everything around me was acting as if this curse was something otherworldly.
So i took the bound puppet and drowned it in a special mixture of everything dirty and corrupt. Allowed the pupped to drown as i was staring at my ex’s picture and envisioning her drowning in a swamp. then i channeled Axa Oddra’s rage onto her to mirror back all that she had do to me only sent back 1000 times fold. I was burning with power. I could see myself in a creepy scene where i am in my demonic form dancing with Axa Oddra on a creepy song and my ex was terrified at our sight. She was so powerless i was about to pity her!
Then after i had finished i took the drowned puppet and started to burn it under a black candle until it was completely dried. While i was burning it i was repeating in whispers:
“I take back what you (her name) have taken from me”
“I take back my right to be free”
“I take back my right to have a happy life”
“I send you everything you (her name) have sent my way only 1000 times the pain plus some extra from me!”
“You are cursed and forever consumed by the powers of Nadharkis!”

As i was repeating that text i felt myself drifting away into Nadharkis with 10 or so of the Axa Oddra demons where i was seeing the naked body of my ex being raped and broken in a nasty swamp like environment by weird vines with thorns. It was truly epic! THE POWER!!! I was a true demon!
I lost every possible empathy as i was completely possessed by Axa Oddra. I was an entity of ultimate ruthlessness and hate!
At the end i have taken the dried pupped and immersed it into used cooking oil and lit it up in fire. I allowed the puppet to burn all the oil in the small container as it was burning as well. As that was happening i decided to chant the words of rousing vengeful destruction that master E.A. had given em trough his video of 4 Incantations To Conjure Limitless Power.

As i was chanting those words i was fully channeling an Axa Oddra demon from Nadharkis and was only seeing as this yellow with black fire was filling me as i was breathing in and out. After i finished chanting those words i blew out of myself all that yellowish fire onto the picture of my ex. After i blew it i felt this tremendous dark power going into that girl’s poor soul. As a confirmation all my printed pictures fell on the ground.
The one picture where i have printed the aspect of Grand Master Aposton (Belial from Nadharkis) fell with the face area of the picture onto the flame of the burning puppet, When i realized that i had picked it up thinking that it was destroyed now but to my surprise it didn’t have not one single burning mark! When i picked it up i had this dark feeling coming trough me as if Belial Himself decided to eat the soul of my ex!

WOW this type of curse came out of nowhere! I am left without any word and i recommend it to everyone! I feel incredibly free! I only felt this good before meeting that girl! I think this was the big bump in my life that was preventing me from living! Thank you Mighty Belial for everything and all The Outer Gods and Axa Oddra And you from this forum for guiding me up to this point of true power!:triumph::triumph::triumph: