Handling Crank/Scam Calls and Fake "IRS" Calls

Can anyone suggest any spirits/entities to call on to help fight off these scam artists that keep calling claiming to be the IRS?

I know that the REAL Internal Revenue Service does not call from strange numbers with foreign accents demanding money. They call every day at around the same time in the afternoon. And they get pissed off when I say that their scam isn’t working.

I’m fucking tired of it!


You could try the incantation “To Rouse Vengeful Destruction” from E.A.

“I’chalaz Itz’rechel

Ahn’tal Ah’tan’tel


Me Vaskalla Pert’ent’itzu”

(Repeat this over and over, calling forth sick spirits of destruction, directing them through a link to your victim)

I’d call that a bit harsh for normal cold-callers trying to sell you stuff, but scammers are the lowest, they prey on elderly people, so they deserve it IMO.

They’d probably take a few seconds to catch on that you’re not just talking in a foreign language to someone else, or replying in your native lingo.


I’m just tempted to recommend using the “Enchanted Airhorn of Ear Drum Shattering”. Mwahahaha!


I actually did that. He stopped calling. Must have worked.


Wow, thank you for the link :astonished:

When they call, spam the # key on your phone.
They assume the number is faulty and take you off the list