First Summoning of Belial - Advice

This is miraculous! I am sincerely hoping for this type of turnout on my cases!


In what way did you create such an inverted pentagram? Was this created astrally?

I did not create a pentagram astrally. I physically made it outside of the courthouse by determining the closest five points I could locate. At each location, I used my cane to draw the Dukante Sigil of Lord Belial in the dirt.

At the first hearing I drew these in the dirt and left them there. But as a more recent hearing, I decided to modify this somewhat.

While speaking his enn I placed wild flower / bird seed in the channel I had created and back filled it slightly so that his sigil would physically grow into the landscape at all five points of the 2 acre pentagram.

Also - As a follow up to this post, it is worth noting that there have been some new developments.

Lord Belial has compelled me to take time I perform outdoor rituals for the purpose of communication in a more serene setting then my home laboratory. While there I learned that the ritual offerings we as Sorcerers provide, while appreciated, do not address the bigger needs he has. If we are to make sacrifices, they should be sacrifices that have a causational ripple of effect in the physical realm.

But on a more recent legal note? She hired a new lawyer and attempted to seize my retirement as a form of spousal support.

The night before this most recent hearing I went out on a full moon the night and burned a full size realistic effigy of a human skull anointed with his Sigil drawn in my blood on its forehead. Moreover, I arranged to appear in court by phone - and while the court had no way of knowing it - I was sitting within a full blown ceremonial iron circle performing ritual when the hearing was held.

End result?

She spent almost $6,000 on this effort, and she went down in flames.

Still ahead my ex has now decided that she wants monetary compensation that exceeds her half of the estate. In effect, she wants half of the half that she left behind. (Roughly 75 percent of the entire community property - made no sense to me when she filed this motion recently or even now. Delusional at best.) That hearing is scheduled for March, and I expect that she will discover that she owes me about $35,000 she would not have, if she had just walked away quietly.

Suffice to say, I am estatic with the level of assistance and success that I have had following the advice of Lady Eva, Gozer, and others here.

Lord Belial has proven to be stunning in assisting me in the mastery of navigating the pitfalls of my life. My enemies have become his, and his goals in this world are mine.


Great work. This is one of the best advertisements for avoiding marriage that I’ve seen in a while


Yes. Unless you can not be alone, avoid marriage at all costs! And if it’s bad,it’s going to stay bad! Get out now!! My ex is murdering me in court. She has a benevolent relative helping her pay her attorney fees. My relationship is with Paimon. I have not made offerings to Belial. Maybe that’s why.

I am sorry to hear. King Belial can help you. He is I believe to influence law. Besides familiars and jobs he can exert influence.


Welcome @HornsHoofsnMaine It is a rule of this forum for all new members to properly introduce themselves, so please click the link below and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick ie what you practice, how long you’ve practiced, etc:


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Is Belial good with government problems?

Please I am about to post a new Topic about such a thing…I Would like to simply add here that I am kind of excited…There are many things that I have been experiencing that are identical to what you’ve just said and I have more that I have been experiencing…However I am confused about because I haven’t spoken to anyone who ever has had a single experience or anything that in person and it is difficult as I haven’t ever been on a Forum before ever…so I’ve been a member for about a month.I’ve been offered Rituals for Hire by someone whom I do look forward to working with him one day however I have a difficult time affording what I need just for my every day practices,and I’ve a Ritual of Initiation and Communion with King Belial and I chose to Hire Ms.Asenath Mason Who I’ve read has had many experiences with him and My Goal in this is Ultimately a Pact,But I would enjoy a discussion about this…

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