Egyptian hieroglyphics

Does anyone know or can write in Egyptian hieroglyphics here?


There’s this:

They used some more complex symbols, but that’ll do the basics.


Got this out of my library from the book “The Complete Book of Amulets and Talismans”.

Used my phone. Sorry if its a bit shitty. I also don’t want to violate any copyright, but the alphabet wasn’t exactly written by the author anyways. Regardless, its an excellent book.


You can’t just learn the symbols, since for one it’s a semetic root so it’s a different kinds of language. Also, the first thing to understand is what time period you’re reading from, Middle Kingdom text is the easiest to read since it’s the most standardised, New Kingdom Heiro-coptic is a lot harder since it doesn’t have easy grammar rules since it’s a mash up of cultures.
Old kingdom writings are ridiculously hard to read since at the time writing wasn’t massively standardised so it’s near dam impossible to read until you’re good at it.

The first thing to understand about Egyptian Hieroglyphs is that they are a sound based language. The symbols do not equate to what they mean (so a cow may not actually mean cow, or a lot might not be the word for knot). Also modernised versions like the one posted above can be helpful at first but they don’t give you pronunciation.
Also, there are different kinds of glyphs. There are 1 sound sign (shown by the guy above), which make 1 sound, 2 sound signs and 3 sound signs and determatives (not actual letters, just symbols at the end of the word to give us a clue to it’s meaning).
I’m not fluent, but I can read basic texts if you wanted help.


I know that Seth is pronounced Shutekh (similar to hebrew Shin Vav Tet Chet), Im trying to get as close as I can to the name Seth. Also many hieroglyphs I looked, one isnt looking as the other. Sh as pic above doesnt look like the Sh Ive seen and X/Kh cant be seen in the picture.

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I dont need hieroglyphics any longer, I made my own sigill instead, part from Crowley (Seth) and Typhon I made from Aiq Bekar :slight_smile:


As a side note, you can use the herioglyph for their name as a sigil. Works just as well

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If you are able, amek hieroglyphs out of these names:



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Okay so, Typhon set is the most accurate historically since he actually had official glyphs. The others I’ve wrote down phonetically (as they’re spelt in English) using grammar rules of Egyptian.
For Leviathan, since there is no V in Egyptian (or modern day Arabic for that matter) I changed the spelling to LEHHITHAN (since the H is a back of the throat H, most similar to modern day Arabic (Ř­) Haah).
Since Leviathan is also known as Dragon of the Void, I’ve also included the hieroglyph for Nūn (the primeval waters) in Egyptian mythology.
Hope it helps