Demons of Magick ritual 1 question

I was just wondering if I have to remember every step from the opening ritual to ritual 1, or can I just do the steps as I read them in the book? Will I still get results if I do the steps as I read them in the book?

no one said you have to remember all the steps by heart. I have the e-book version and also some handwritten notes with the steps.
you can still get results that way but it takes time, remember? just try writing down the steps of how to perform the ritual and see how you go.

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I have personally done a quick and easy summary of the instructions on an A4 paper, so I can easily absorb the steps and just incase , I need to recall the stuff while I am doing the ritual. The more you gonna practice that , more you exercise your mental muscles for the ritual : )

Do an effort and try to memorize it, not only the opening ritual but the rest in line. It will be easier for you to retain each images in your mind if you dont interrupt your concentration by reading a paper (but its ok to have it at hand just in case).

If you are not that good at imaging, search the internet for depiction of each line of the pathworking. And, if you want to go a step further, you can add sensations to images. For example, if you have to imagine tree bark, look for a real tree and touch it, feel it, memorize the sensations in you hands and then apply it when imagining the bark.

Got the idea? It will feel very rewarding while doing rituals.

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