Good evening all,
As most of you know, I’ve been getting pretty heavy into the Tarot, and I wanted to ask other forum members about some quick methods they have and when they use them. I think that since i’m still learning the cards, it’s good practice to do at least one full read a day. But do to time restraints or perhaps the nature of the question, are there some other plausible methods:
Do you use a “quick read” method and if so what is it and why? Perhaps a 1,2,3 card spread?
From your experience, what constitutes when you use a “quick read” as opposed to a more in-depth read/spread?
Obviously setting aside the time for let’s say a full-on Celtic Cross spread, will be different than just pulling 1 card. Is there any relation to how one asks the question or words the question to which methodology you as a Diviner will choose?
Examples & additional questions;
If i’m asking a direct yes/no question let’s say, is it even appropriate to do a full spread?
Some problems I’ve encountered today were getting The Star, which at first glance looks great, however, I believe when the card is “influenced” the negative aspects of The Star aren’t too pleasing. Now, I only drew one card and my question was “What will be the end result of my Sigil Magick work with Grah’aht’talion (BoA demon)”…I drew The Star.
As someone new to the Tarot, I’m trying a lot of different things with my Thoth Deck (small version…large card version on it’s way), but I don’t want to read a card and mind-fuck myself by just paying attention to the “positive” aspects of a card and becoming delusional.
i guess I’m having some difficulty today with listening to my intuition and knowing if/when I’m spot-on and if/when I’m being self-seeking to the point that it’s fucking up my clarity. Perhaps I’m too close to my own situations to be objective?
Hmmmmm. No that is an interesting topic. As readers how do we stay objective when we’re reading for ourselves???
Thanks all in advance! I’ll check back later. I’m off to work some more Sigil Magick with Grah’aht’talion and some other freinds