Yellow and Gold: A quick question on candle color

Hey everyone,

So I was planning on doing the Light Bearer Ritual from the “Rites of Lucifer” grimoire, and the ritual calls for a gold candle. However, in my haste to grab candles and catch the train home + newbie mistakes i grabbed a yellow candle instead of a gold one. Main question is, can the yellow candle be a good substitute for a gold candle, or is it best to grab a gold one? This would be the first time I do a ritual with Lucifer, and I’d rather not anger him so I thought I’d check to see your experiences. If I do need a gold one, anyone know any good rituals with a yellow candle?? lol

Thanks everyone!

Me personaly wouldnt change gold for yellow for i feel its not right.
Gold gives me an entire different feel then yellow so thats why.
If your intuition says its fine it probobly is

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If you don’t have a gold one, go white or black. What is most important is your intention above everything.
Remember that in the flame of the candle you already have a golden spark, but most important is to know how to syncronize gold vibration on the body’s angles/chakras. A very useful tool is to buy a 24karat gold ingot, 50 bucks a gram, is cheap.