Yantras In Yer Pantras

So this is rather big for me at least though I know some that will almost certainly disagree with this view or revelation on the Sri Yantra and its connection to other facets that I deal with routinely.

I have come to the the conclusion that in a sense the Sri Yantra can be connected to Norse pathworking as a representation of the Nine Realms and Yggdrasil itself. Nine triangles in the Sri Yantra and Nine worlds connected by Yggdrasil. Further in many ways the Web of Wyrd which I have heard as being a representation of the shadows cast by the branches of Yggdrasil and fate itself bears more than a passing resemblance to the Sri Yantra.


If you expand it out it becomes more apparent and I get much the same feel from both but from different angles and points of entry. Both represent the cosmos and both are balanced on three key points, Knowledge, Will, and Action. The three key points of the Nine Realms, Jotunheim, Midgard, and Asgard.

They are in my opinion a view of the same thing from a different place. The shadows of the tree change as the sun moves its course yet they are still the shadows of the tree. This connection the paths of Yggdrasil and the matrix within the Sri Yantra has opened up new paths within it. Both have their own place but are connected as part of the greater whole even if you choose different symbols to connect to it. The perception and knowledge of reality. There is so much I can go on about that would devolve into senseless nonsense I feel for most so onto the more palpable results.

In actually employing the form and knowledge gained through the meditations I can sync and open my perception to the deeper levels and energy that the Yantra connects to. A place embodying and connecting through reality and blinding bright energy. Through remembering and projecting the Yantra forth I can easily project my own mind into it and partial astral projection within as well. It is easier to isolate and tune to different realms and energies and everything is far more structured in its weave of energy. Perhaps most notable are some of the beings I have seen within lion headed creatures with red lotus manes and a golden fur and a single eye in the middle of their heads and their bodies trailing off into that of a seals past their front legs and paws made of silver energy. They seem guardians and keepers of that particular entry and pathways through the multiverse. Beyond the many benefits of knowledge and sight and the aid of one of these beings in certain facets, this Yantra and state can be used to manifest desires similar to how the Akashic realm can be utilized in regards to Hermetics as Bardon teaches and is either a higher part of the Akasha or very heavily connected. A desire and wish can be sent out to suffuse all of the universe at once from within and thoroughly saturated quickly manifest in an efficient path. Though it is brutal in its efficiency and merciless in how it manifests. One desire that has yet to fully play out has blown up a few things in life in order to remove obstacles and bring in the good manifestations and fortunes I desire. This removal of obstacles can be very unsettling but weathering the storm will bring it to a desirable conclusion well worth the temporary stress. I have confirmation on that fact from multiple sources that things will turn out that way and other manifestations along those lines.

I have had greater success than expected and still there is more to learn though perhaps from further use or by studying those yantras derived from the Sri Yantra to better tap into the individual forces and realms contained within the multiverse. For the next week I shall be adding the use of the mantra and mudra associated with it for a control test and see what that can reveal as well.

Also this explains the Web of Wyrd somewhat as a very quick reference.


Well a brief update.

The use of the mantra and mudra does seem to act as a faster acting focus to tune in and specifically to focus it for application especially in charging my chakras with the energy. The effects have been similar but have been getting much more controlled and refined. Astral perception and projection is becoming increasingly easier and broader in scope revealing new realms and planes to shift too. Control over tuning myself in to different streams and realms of energy and time is also growing.

It is becoming time to move on and focus on narrowing down and exploring deeper specific aspects of the multiverse through other Yantra’s but the influence of this one will always be there serving as the gate for perception and the key to reach everything at once as it is further developed and its components refined and empowered. Tonight I shall be choosing a new Yantra letting intuition guide me to the next one I need to explore.

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A tad of a larger update. I have not been updating much for reasons I mentioned elsewhere and for those reasons what I do post will not be anything that can give someone ideas of how to dangerously misuse some yantra as a simple tool without understanding it is a gateway to realms of energy and reality.

The Sri Yantra ended up being very interesting as it was detailed and for the next one I was led the Atman Yantra.

This one supposedly connecting to the true self I have found to have a peculiar effect. The best I can describe it as an eye in the storm. Placing myself in a calm collective space from which all forces array themselves in balance and order as I become a perfect center. Literally like the eye of a storm in the flows of energy from plane to plane. I have been able to better place myself in trance quickly and order my thoughts and practices to utilize external and internal forces in a much more controlled fashion. There is also a largely personal aspect to this that I won’t go into at the moment. In a sense it is entirely like breaking the fourth wall though not as chaotic as Deadpool makes it seem :wink: little joke there and fun reference there.

More and more I realize the illusion of reality and the lies of the world we see. The underlying currents of energy and information that form the patterns we interpret as being solid and real. The changing nexus of reality and the plays of how the mind can shape it. This has some interesting implications on just what exactly energy is in relation to thought and just how much control we truly have once we realize our true will and take control of our minds and cease to be ruled by our thoughts and desires but in turn take an active role. There is not much that can be said in addition as much of this would seem to come down to the person exploring the Yantra but I will say this. All that you see is only as true as you allow it to be but to change what is true you must become free of the chains of your own mind. There is a careful balance between being free to exercise and realize your will and falling into delusion and it is a very fine line. Can you truly make changes or do you only change your perception. A true will can change not only its own perception but the actual reality of the matter at hand and the perception only changes in response to the reality but can be cast aside.

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