Yahweh punishments

Black with a purple band in the bottom?


Yeah something like that


That’s what the top hat I stole and crushed looked like! I wonder if they’re related?

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Hey. Dont piss off Yahweh. He just might haunt you in your dreams… night after night… as some Big Strapping Gay Guy in all Leathers that grabs you (Scorpions voice from Mortal Kombat) and says “Get over here” and then gives you a spanking over his lap.


Yahweh is pretty powerful with biggest ego in this world so anyone who don’t worship him is his enemy lol.


I grow very tired of these threads, but I suppose no one else is going to correct misconceptions, so I suppose I must engage. If you would, I ask that you engage in the following exercise:

Replace all instances of “Yahweh” in this thread with Lucifer, or Shiva, or Satan, or any other spirit that you enjoy calling upon. Why is it that if someone was being hateful to Lucifer, and he responded by sending them nightmares, the response would likely have been something more like “Good, that’s what they deserve for pissing off mighty Lucifer!”

How do you feel when you hear religious Christians talking shit on Lucifer, or demons, or any entity that you are close to? I would guess that it makes you quite angry, and justifiably so. There’s no reason for such ignorant hatred, as it is not based off of any real direct experience with these beings, but off of false dogma taught to them by the Church.

If you think that the Church’s dogma only affects religious JCI individuals, unfortunately I have to say that is not the case. Just look at how widespread their influence is in our culture. Even atheists think that demons are supposed to be “evil” and angels “good,” even though they don’t think that they exist at all. Why do you think this is?

The Church doesn’t want us to be in agreement. They don’t want us to stand together. They would prefer things to remain like they are, with the ignorant masses showing up for brainwashing every Sunday, with demonolators conspiring against them, and with magicians and occultists who have actually glimpsed some truth squabbling amongst each other like this.

Yes, יהוה‬ (EE-AH-OH-EH, commonly spelt Yaheweh for ease of reading) has a dark side. Of course, because יהוה‬ (EE-AH-OH-EH) is a way of representing the Source of all things, and that includes both the Light and the Shadow. Now, that doesn’t mean that you have to consider יהוה‬ (EE-AH-OH-EH) as your Source, but some people, such as myself, do.

Do you hold these beliefs because of an unbiased experience that you have had? Have you approached the archangels, with no preconceived notions and a willingness to know them for who they truly are? I’m not trying to attack you, but I would guess that many have not.

To be fair, I used to feel the same way about Lucifer. I thought that he was some evil being cast out of Heaven for his wickedness. How far I was from the truth. Lucifer is not my enemy, Lucifer is my friend, my guide, a most trusted councilor and advisor, who has my best interests, and the best interests of all humanity, at heart.

The point of all this, is for me to ask that you do the same. Lucifer himself told me, “Invoke to overcome fear.” And so I did. I invoked Lucifer, going against all my fears and trepidations, putting forth my best effort to keep an open mind, and I discovered a glorious being indeed.

If you have the courage to do the same, invoke the archangel Metatron, and allow your own experiences to shape your thoughts, not the false preaching and dogmas of mainstream religious culture.

Thank you for reading, and peace be with you friends :v:


Luckily for me, I learned from watching other people’s mistakes and stayed away.

My only experienced is a sense of complete lack, when I’ve tried to give it the benefit of the doubt, and make contact, starting when I was 8, there’s either just nothing there, or it doesn’t care at all. I went with nothing there because back then I was a nicer person. That childhood gnosis actually made me an atheist for the next 14 years. Now, I see a weak, impotent creature not just unable to stop the Churches from using it’s name to commit some of the worst atrocities, but happily feeding off them.

More recently I journeyed to find out if this being even existed and what it had to say for itself… not a lot. It wasn’t hostile, it seemed more mentally deficient, drifting, overwhelmed, barely present, promoted to the level of it’s incompetence - it’s not really a god at all. In comparison with other gods and archangels I’ve met since, who are intensely present, focused and communicative, it’s apples and oranges. I don’t even think he really has anything to do with them, he’s not even in their league. The ones running the show in JCI is humans, fearful, power hungry humans, which is why it’s f*cked up, imo.

Wouldn’t be so bad if it was capable of answering prayers and showed up when invoked. I think the archangels do all the work for reasons of their own.

My devout xtian freind had been praying to this guy for 9 years to help her life situation, working three hourly jobs to make ends meet, very RHP, always ‘it’s for a reason’, one of those good people that it seems unfair they have no luck in life. I called in Halah’thor 3 months ago and she started a new job with double the salary with benefits and career prospects this week. It wasn’t a big ask since she does so much to help herself, but this yahweh being probably didn’t even know she existed. So lame. It should probably incarnate as human to build up some fortitude, I think it should be able to manage that. :wink:

Re punishments - eh, I’d be shocked if it could punish it’s way out of a wet paper bag


Tbh, I’m starting to believe they’re all worthless and couldn’t escape a wet paper bag.

What’s their value? Nothing.

They can do Absolutely nothing in the physical reality. Mind games maybe they can influence but it’s a pretty sad pathetic game.

Weak weak weak pathetic beings… ALL OF THEM!

I say to every spirit, holy man, shaman, magi, aliens, and fucktard inaginary bullshit to BRING IT!

It’s all mental delusional fapping bullshit and again it’s for $$$ PROFIT!

Damn fucking imaginary bridges sold by the fucking microsecond these days.

If they don’t appear on command… they are BULLSHIT! Plain and simple.


To think that the One and the Many and the All and the Naught can be called before you like some god. Such ignrance. It does me no harm to cast pearls before swine, but that their shining wisdom may be defiled.

Such is the price of illumination, to live among the uninitiated.

Feast upon me, and pray that through it a glimpse may be obtained. Behold these my words that I did not speak, and consider that which is not.


THE ABYSS OF HALLUCINATIONS has Law and Reason; but in Truth there is no bond between the Toys of the Gods.
This Reason and Law is the Bond of the Great Lie.
Truth! Truth! Truth! crieth the Lord of the Abyss of Hallucinations.
There is no Silence in that Abyss: for all that men call Silence is its Speech.
This Abyss is also called ‘Hell,’ and ‘The Many.’ Its name is ‘Consciousness’ and ‘The Universe,’ among men.
But that which neither is silent, nor speaks, rejoices therein.


If you’re going to get personal and insult me at least get it right.

… or your dogma. We shall have to agree to disagree. Your unverified personal gnosis has no effect on me.

Feast upon me, and pray that through it a glimpse may be obtained. Behold these my words that are not mine, and consider that which is not.

And delusions of grandeur now. Cute. Thanks but no thanks.


6 posts were split to a new topic: Personal message

I have always told people Yahweh is an unclean spirit/entity. Lucifer was the “good guy”
I was a part of a Christian cult. I experienced the voice of Yahweh and he told me I needed to punish myself as penance… Perhaps it was a psychosis but at his request I went the way of the semana. Starving and beating myself regularly. (I was 12-15) I cause myself perminant bodily harm. I met my first Anton lavey style Satanist who found out what I was doing. He grew very upset. He told me that any spirit who would destroy me and allow me to wither away like that was evil. (My penance was for being sexually abused by my step father, and babysitter. Not at the same time) Yahweh told me it was my fault for my vanity. By the time I woke up, I was 15 5 ft 1, 85 lbs and had shaved all of my hair off.
After studying and reading every religious text I could I side with Buddhism and the book of the tao. However I do admire/invoke Lucifer, orobas, hecete and a few other strong entities. Since awakening I have flourished. I have returned to nature. My body is Beautiful. I live happily and learn from my mistakes without abusing myself.


I don’t know, I may get crucified here, but I thought YWYH was pure Love and didn’t punish, but that the ego part of the mind that perceives separation and calls it God is what punishes itself by its interpretation of the feeling of separation, a punishment which is taught by parents and churches which have completely distorted Truth, and even if you didn’t go to church or temple, you’re completely around people who have and that separation teaching gets infused nonetheless unless you live entirely by yourself like Mowgli in the Jungle Book. I don’t know if he might have developed separation fears and superstitions being in the jungle. Did he stub his toe on a root and go “dammit God is punishing me?” Pain = punishment? I mean even physical death isn’t a punishment even though it’s painful. Go ahead and shoot arrows at me. I won’t think it’s from God but from separation consciousness. :stuck_out_tongue:


Nice discussion right here,
I’m reading with curiosity :smiley:


Firewater will heal you =)

He ruined my life and brought me to my first breaking point/breakdown… took away hope and innocence/trust and love in humanity that there still might be good in the world… (yeah, supposedly he is the good and the light but got a funny way of showing it😤…) there is a whole story(ies) here… (dont have the patients now to write long stories/experiences…) but its like whaterver you do is no pleasing him, never good or sincere enough and even if your at your brink… there is always an excuse to be punished no mercy… and shut out ignored. Why?? And he never seems to let you wriggle away once he got his talons in… madness but Im still scared of being in his bad books… Satan will quicker answer you than he would… an unreasonable oppressor, that’s what he is… no justice.
Really confused about alot of these fundamental issues that I discover to my understanding myself … have I got my cards wrong or the general masses do? So much confusing and contradicting and hidden information out there, I dont know anymore. Weird. I dont want to wake up one day and find I did not take the right path and in a pickle… got enough anyway :joy:



Hi, apologies for the condescension, they like to hijack my keyboard. It seems that some of it is helpful though, so I’ll keep allowing it. Makes for a more interesting forum anyways, wouldn’t want things getting boring.

The above is a chapter from Crowley’s Book of Lies, by the way. It’s certainly a profound text, though I can’t claim to understand all of it yet. Reality’s weird man, that’s all I know.


Got me an itch to watch more George Carlin! :sweat_smile:. He’s ace. Speaks my language just in a funny palatable way. X

With a piece of strait talking reality and laughter, might just go along way curing some of us from our experience of religious controlling thugs. Some of us need just to hear (‘that what we already know but must not speak’) our side justified, and some just need a laugh. :heartbeat:

Good one for sharing :blush:


Thanks anytime.