Would archangels still help me?

Say for example my mom cooked me food and I didn’t like it so I threw it away without her knowing, making her think I ate it all , now I know angels wouldn’t like it but is it a big deal to them??

Why would they even care?


No, there are bigger fish to fry. Developing your spirt is just a weeny bit more important.


Actually, they might care, because such behaviour shows that you do not appreciate what is given to you and that you are deceitful by allowing your mother to believe you ate what she had put effort into cooking for you, even though you did not.

While I doubt it would prevent angels from working with you, it may result in them questioning you on why they should help you. In my experience appreciation for what is given to you, whether by a demon, an angel, or your mother, goes a long way to ensure more will flow your way.

This is a lesson I have had to be beaten over the head with lately.


UHH…That’s a bit childish, but I don’t think they’ll care.

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This is a good point. Even some demons also HATE liars. A lie is like a trigger for them to start some fuckshit next thing you know there’s a pet parrot in the background saying “So and so did it.”

Angels I have found to be less judgemental than expected but they will not spare you on what they DONT approve of. But the way they do it doesn’t seem to sting like how humans do it. It’s less a judgement and more of an acknowledgement that an action is not “Godly” or “God-level”. And if you work in the Abrahamic system you have to decide if it’s even worth your effort to present yourself in a lesser form to the embodiment of virtues. What did you do? Outside of your birth angel maybe don’t try to call on the Virtue you know your the big offender of. But then again that could be the very thing you need.


I’m not gonna be the moral police but don’t do that man. There’s a lot of people out there starving. I fuss over food sometimes but I still eat it.

Talk to them about it. If they’re upset they’ll let you know.

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Oh no man it was just an example!!, sorry for confusion


Ah shit. Well the other day a family member got pissed off and threw some food in the bin (I’m not allowed to eat said food for medical reasons) and when I asked another deity about it, she shrugged it off and said she wasn’t upset and there wouldn’t be any punishment.

It’s hard to say since each entity is different.

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Oh no!! At least you go through thick and thin with your entity !

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Yeah once you develop relationships with entities it’s cool. Most really won’t stop working with or punish you for these things

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Everything will be fine at the end !

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This thread actually hurt my brain, so pointless. Just do the magick stop asking pointless questions.

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??? Ok dude whatever.

You used a hypothetical scenario to ask a question that was irrelevant.
In said scenario you throw away your food like a spoiled brat lmao.

If I was an angel I’d do everything to avoid you, luckily for you, they are benevolent.

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Just leave me alone man, you win, have it your way. I don’t want any trouble from anyone :+1:

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Next time share it,that way you can get rid of it and boast about your mom cooking to make her feel good. Is it a lil manipulative…yes, is it wrong…not necessarily it’s not wasted and she get her ego stroked.