Worried about Black Magicians? Join the Golden Dawn!

Oh I totally agree. Personally I think both have there place, but in the end I also think there is not that much difference between Griffin and what Koetting does, even if Griffin denies it. Perhaps Koetting is just more open about what hes doing, and Griffin tries to present it as Care bears or something.

Oh I just wanted to say here, a recent long time enemy of mine (almost ten years!) just croaked, and I had been cursing that douche bag for almost a year! Sorry you guys may not like that, but iā€™m happy!

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Griffin is a notorious paranoid. Some of the people he claims cursed him and made a hit list are actually friends of mine and yeahā€¦ Guy lost his marbles. He likes to take things out of context and spin them his own way. Example, he took a poor taste joke with a list of authors a single person didnā€™t like that had the name of one of them that recently passed scratched off. Griffin then created an image of the pic with unrelated comments from people he considers enemies, people who honestly donā€™t give ten shits about the guy and just want him to shut the fuck up, and tried to tie these people together in some conspiracy of black Magick to try and kill him and held them responsible for his sonā€™s death. He makes the whole GD look bad on his own as the majority of people following that tradition donā€™t indulge him and his antics until crap like that turns up. He will take comments not directed at him in email lists and fb groups and make whole posts about them being about him. At one time he was trying to sell a Satanic conspiracy against his order and then that the SRIA was trying to take over the GD and then the very ā€œsatanistsā€ that were attacking him were Christian racists and Nazi sympathizers trying to take over the GD. All these people are the same people! He put people in orders who are emphatically not in these orders and not only did he say they were members he put them in the upper echelons!

That and I watched the lecture Eric tried giving them and it was some of the rudest comments from people listening that I have ever heard! Not only were they not listening and more intent seemed directed at not letting him speak and then disavowing him, rudely implying his ritual was going to tarnish their ā€œlightā€! These people are nucking cuts.

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EA has an army of black magicians?