Works of Darkness exercise

I have been trying the exercise in EA’s Works of Darkness where you put three candles to form a triangle. A black one, a red one and a violet one. I lit the black candle and tried to visualize black power being pulled toward me from the flame to my eyes by staring at the flame. Maybe the power is transferring but I’m just not feeling like anything is happening. Am I doing something wrong or am I doing what I’m supposed to do but just not realizing the power transfer?

Have you also done the exercises preceding that one in Works of Darkness? Seeing, feeling, breathing the Darkness to grow closer and have some experience with the metaphysical?

The Book (autocorrect wanted to capitalize that, and I think I’ll let it stand) is well set up to guide you gradually through its rites in a way that sees you building up serious momentum. As long as you actually succeed at each operation before going forward.

Honestly I have tried the previous exercise in Works of Darkness about 4 times without much success. I guess I’ll go back and try to master that first. How did you know when you were successful with the first two exercises? I’d like to hear your experiences.