Work with Prince Sitri if you want to become more attractive to women!

Hello everybody I wanted to give public praise and share the works of the great Prince Sitri. I noticed that ever since I performed the DOM ritual and asked him to give me a lustful and seductive Aura women find me way more attractive compared to before.

They tend to look at me more, act kind of shy around me and I noticed that the girl I’m interested in right now finds me way more attractive compared to before. She’s way out of my league and ever since I did the ritual we often look at each other and I had more opportunities to get to know her better but I’m to shy to approach and talk to her, but I will try to muster up the courage to do so soon.

I also have to mention that Prince Sitri was the first demon that I felt a strong connection towards when I was new to demonolatry, and I dreamt about him alot before. I also purchased his attunement from Jareth Tempest’s etsy store along with Azazel’s attunement and even before the chi balls arrived I felt a strong presence like a winged man with a leopard’s head was watching from above.

Guys work with Prince Sitri if you want to become more attractive to women. He is definitely your guy, Sitri delivers fast and quickly. He is so fucking awesome and I definitely look forward towards working with him more in the future.

Thank you so much!! And Hail Prince Sitri!