Words vs Intentions

Hello, all. What I mean by what the topic says is if my words matter more than my intentions. Say you want to do something, and you need the help of a spirit. If, when writing let’s say a petition to them, I forget to add one minor detail, would it affect the whole thing? Does the spirit already know about my goals when I enter an agreement with them that they would look past my little mistake and not think much about it but a ‘mistake’?

Thank you,

Or should I restart the whole thing? I don’t want to annoy them by asking for the same thing over and over.

if it’s written, yes it’s a problem, it’s like a contract, if you speak and you forget something too.
the word IS the command, not the thought. our brain is creating thousand thoughts a minute so call back the spirit asap .

and if you forgot something, that means that you are not focused enough on you intent.
be careful with that


Yes. And that’s why you brainstorm before you officially say or write anything. And make note of everything agreed upon in your journal so you don’t forget your obligations.


Right, I’ll take note of that. Another thing is if I asked for something, but worded it in a different way, would it matter? It’s basically the same thing except I forgot… actually, I’ll just say what I asked for. I wanted a familiar, but instead ended up asking for the spirit to send me one of his followers to help me.

Or should I start all over, adding that I want them, specifically, as a familiar?

Law of contract only with bells on it. You don’t make contracts with mistakes - they cost money, time, who knows what. Everytime you say you’ll do something - honour it. Entities don’t like flakes.

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wow… you have to ask again, you don’t want to end up with an entity up your a** who actually follows the demon lol

do never forget that demon are also tricksters, it will be a lesson learned


I am willing, 100% to do what I offered. I’m the one who thought of it. I just don’t want to end up doing it and receive the wrong thing in return.

Even though I have a good relationship with them, would they still do that? I know it’s to teach me a lesson for the future, but would they trick me if it’ll effect me in a bad way? Just need to know if I should be worried or not.

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they can trick you and it will be funny :slight_smile: but you’ll have to do it all over again :slight_smile: do not be worried

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Funny like… I’ve had something similar happen when I hadn’t set any boundaries, but I doubt it’ll happen again. That’s the worst that would happen other than getting possessed by whoever is coming. Other than that, I guess I shouldn’t really worry.

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Personally I’d prefer to get it right first time than waste their time and resources, as well as my own. But each to his or her own.


So, it turns out that the petition didn’t get accepted, good for me so that I can’t avoid the misunderstanding. I’m not worried or sad that it didn’t follow through. After some time, meaning a few hours ago, I did a yes/no tarot reading asking if it really was accepted or not. The answer was no. The reason being that there is something that I want other than a familiar (I think I know what this mean), somewhere around that. But I’m glad that he understood. I have learned my lesson, thanks to all who replied, and will not make the same mistake next time. Writing everything down before hand is what I’ll do to avoid forgetting and making another mistake.