Wingman entity?

I thought i might throw this question around and see if anyone can help in shedding some light or can account of similar experiences.

So recently i`ve started exploring Abrahamic Spirits for the first time. Having worked with ancient Greek deities of high rank for a considerable amount of time, gave me the confidence to open communication with a spirit straight from the top (i prefer not to identify which one).
I did not summon this entity through a structured ritual per se, he just showed up after multiple short invocations, purely esoteric, that lasted maybe a week or so.

The first time he got in contact, it was during a night time meditation. He identified himself straight away and appeared quite chatty, but i asked for validation on the physical and left it there. He provided the evidence i was looking for the very next day and actually in such a way that left me thinking he was showing off.

Multiple contacts followed and at some point he requested a blood pact of me. The pact although absolutely binding for a very long time, its open and doesnt prohibit me from working with other entities or in other paths. He was very clear with this actually. Although i dont take such pacts lightheartedly, i did agree (for my own reasons) and i performed a ritual which was personalized, felt amazing and when it was done i felt born again (last time i felt something similar was 15 years ago). The same night while meditating he answered many questions and gave me a past life regression i was not aware of. He also gave me something else, lets call it, a wingman, maybe? I dont know how else to describe it as i haven`t experienced anything similar before and this is where the question mark comes about.

So this wingman follows me everywhere. I can feel him constantly and can see him clearly when i project my mind to him. Hes tall over 7 feet, very well build, with a dark brownish ash colored skin that appears hard and dry and a long black mane covers his shoulders. He has massive horns protruding from the side of his mane, i would say he looks very close to a bull. He has a heavy step for sure but hes very agile.

Hes pleasant to be around, not intimidating at all (although he did try to scare me the first time), he listens to me and hes quite the joker, throwing smartass comments often.
Now, ive asked him silly things to do on the physical and honestly im gobsmacked by how effective he is (and i`ve seen some crazy things during my spiritual path).

Hes not related to the other spirit and ive asked him to tell me his name several times but he always gives me a name that i cannot even pronounce. Eventually he showed me a sigil which relates to him (look at my avatar).

Its not haunting. Im very confident, assertive and social, so to say that hes a psychological projection that was manifested to address self image issues. I dont mind his presence and i don`t feel burdened in any way.

But i am curious.

[quote=“Zeus, post:1, topic:7643”]So this wingman follows me everywhere. I can feel him constantly and can see him clearly when i project my mind to him.

… Hes pleasant to be around, not intimidating at all (although he did try to scare me the first time), he listens to me and hes quite the joker, throwing smartass comments often.
Now, ive asked him silly things to do on the physical and honestly im gobsmacked by how effective he is (and i`ve seen some crazy things during my spiritual path).[/quote]

Sounds like a classic “familiar” to me, a spirit who for some reason is willing to be “appointed” by another to be present with you almost constantly, and who’'s also attuned to your personality and able to react in a suitable and beneficial way.

I have some, they’re distinct beings and not egregores, though I also have egregoric “versions” of a very small number of spirits, kind of like the mobile/“lite” version of some bigger software. Or something. :slight_smile:

Thanks Lady Eva.

Ive been givenaids` in the past undertaking specific tasks and then disappear, but never experienced a familiar being appointed by another spirit without me asking for one.

So i got a clearer sounding name last night and it sounds something like

  • barba bworeth, barbbiroth or something. He gurgles and slaps with tongue when he pronounces it.

Names that don’t easily transliterate into English are a feature of some spirits, that’s happened to me sometimes - I end up with kind of two names written down and know they’re actually somewhere in between.

IMO that’s how some end up with different names and then people start calling them, over time, as different beings. But that’s just a theory - anyway, sounds good! :slight_smile:

About names, have you ever noticed that everything has a different flavor of energy and by simply recalling the flavor of the energy can sometimes immediately connect you to an entity.

That’s fairly common. I usually have familiar spirits too, although I never see them or know their names. They don’t appear dangerous either, otherwise I’d be dead by now- of that I’m sure. It’s typical as well to meet a spirit, like an archangel or perhaps an aspect of the Divine and never really work with them but are given help by one through their own servants. An archangel won’t directly do something you ask of it, even though it agrees. Instead, they’ll send one of the angels from their host. Sometimes they can be physical, like my cat. It just showed up one night after I kept meeting, at the time unidentified, spirit in my dreams. Strange little black cat, pawing, gently rapping- rapping at my chamber door.

Somehow I’ve lived with it for almost a year now. So I guess it wasn’t the reaper- this time…
