Will working with certain spirits impact where you go in the afterlife? Is it possible to choose where you want to go?

Say if you want to go to heaven/hell/other (like Asgard or Elysium), what do you have to do to get there? Are we recorded by Akashik records?? Say you want to go to heaven but you have worked with demons (for your own benefit), can you still go to heaven?? What is demanded of a human being to go where they want to go??


You control where you go unless you’re devote to a religion just as Christians give themselves to God, Norsemen and women to Odin, Freya, or Hel, etc. However, there are many places that are closed off without the Gods or Goddesses allowing you entry.


I’ll let you know in maybe 100 years at least
I hope no sooner than that

More seriously it’s an hard question to answer
But I think a lot will agree on YES it’ll impact it but in bad ? Not necessarily


theres no such thing as heaven bud

however there are realms above us that you are not able to see but exist


Are we recorded by spirits (their task is to be the watchers of humanity for example) And another example going to Elysium in the afterlife, you can only go there if you were heroic in your previous life, and I don’t think you can go to heaven if you’ve already worked with demons right? Because you should only believe in one god and that’s YHWH but I’m not going any deeper into this, I only want to know if you should live your life according to which realm you want to go

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Yes there is, like hell, wtf are you talking about? Where do you think the Archangels come from? FACEPALM

I’ve been to hell, and I come from heaven, you will most likely reside where your soul feels best, doesn’t mean you can’t work with entities from other realms


We’re not recorded no lol, if you have not devoted yourself to the specific pantheon they have no reason to watch you, other than if you made a bond with them.

There are tons of Heavens, the halls of Valhalla, the judeo heaven, the egyptian Aaru, Svarga loka, etc. There are individual angels who don’t like demons and individual demons who don’t like angels such as Azazel and Raphael but working with either does not bar you from entering either or, it’s a matter of if they choose to accept you, the Infernal Nation tends to have very diverse walks of life while the Judeo heaven from my experience seems to only have humans and angels.

Yahweh is one of many Gods, regardless of if one chooses to not believe so his original Lore remains evident that he was a child of a higher God.


Not even Christians do habe consensus about who goes to heaven, dude.
Sure, most would say “Everybody who accepts Jesus as their saviour.” But not all Christians believe it’s that easy. And what about Jews?
You don’t even have to be a Christian (heck, there is not even consensus about who is worthy to be called a christian) to work with YHWH. At least it works fine for me.


He is a Caannite war god (also there is this whole Shasu of Yhw thing but I am not sure about that) who got raised to supreme status by Jews. Which I personally think they took the Greek concept of ‘One’ but thats just my opinion. Nonetheless its just another god, not even the top dog in where he came from.

If you are talking about the tetragrammaton formula, thats a whole another subject which I will refrain from commenting.


I doubt it . I think a lot of people already descend from planet or realm they will return to after a cycle or their current incarnation

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Raphael doesn’t like demons and Azazel angels ? i planned on working with both

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I think Yahweh is from nibiru

Raphael doesn’t mind demons but him and Azazel have bad blood due to Raphael being the one that originally imprisoned Azazel in darkness with the other Grigori.


Say what now


Nibiru isn’t a place it’s a crossing, any body of water that could be ferried across was called Nibiru, though it is believed a physical town was named Nibiru by the sumerians. Yahweh can’t be from either of those since one is a body of water and the other is a physical village while Yahweh is not a physical being.


Wow, where can i learn more about these things ?

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Just look up any text with azazel and Raphael tbh

Raphael bound Azazel under a desert called Dudael according to Enoch 10:4–6:

And again the Lord said to Raphael: “Bind Azazel hand and foot, and cast him into the darkness: and make an opening in the desert, which is in Dudael, and cast him therein. And place upon him rough and jagged rocks, and cover him with darkness, and let him abide there for ever, and cover his face that he may not see light. And on the day of the great judgment he shall be cast into the fire.”[4]


That doesn’t discredit it because venetians don’t physically live on Venus but exist on a different density of reality and nibiru is name attached to a certain planet

It doesn’t but what does is the fact the idea of Nibiru being a planet was mistranslated by Stitchin and debunked ages ago but new agers still try and use it as an excuse to explain “they came here to mine gold to save their planet Nibiru” ._.

So therefore Yahweh being from Nibiru is not legit and never was. Planet X= / = Nibiru.