Why would Bune do the opposite of what I asked for?

Thanks for the help.

I think I need to make myself a new rule… I can only spend a maximum of £15 a week on scratchcards from now on! Maybe once I’ve started buying fewer of them I’ll try again with Bune, or ask someone else for help.

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Ask for the opportunity to gain money legally instead? Lottery usually is a let down lol.

Are you actually feeling this in your heart ? I would focus and meditate.

Bune dosen’t do quickies. She loves to teach a lesson. That’s probably why she didn’t help with the lottery.

I would try to discern the reason behind it. It sounds like Bune is looking out for you in a way that you’re unaware of or not paying attention to. I had kind of a similar experience. Bune was one of the first team is I actually spoke to. I was trying to make money for a friend who needed to get a few bills paid. I figured if I could do the pack based on me and then later tell her about it maybe she would accept the demon part 2 because she knew that I had been working with Azazel. Anyways I tried to win the lottery scratch off tickets. I didn’t even ask for an amount. I was just wanting enough to make a significant Dent if not pay the whole thing. I was sure that bune was going to give me what I had asked for. It’s like I felt that they had said yes but then didn’t win a single thing out of three or four tickets.

Later on this girl quit talking to me once I declined her offer of moving in, and fucking her best friend. So basically I came to find out later on the Bune had my back more than this girl did all along and I had never worked with her at all before then.