Why? When I’m drunk that my magick is the strongest

It does hinder the ability to perform certain magics and a drunk occultist is often at least as dangerous to himself as anyone else.


Maybe I should have preface with I’m a super lightweight. I took one shot of whiskey or a swig of beer and I’m happy and giddy buzz. Never passed out drunk slurred speech drunk.

I recall when my hubby was driving my buddy and I back to the hotel in Vegas and a motorcyclist was riding dangerously to other drivers on the rode. I verbally chanted, and have him wipe out so he’ll stop putting others in danger. But to not get hurt. And right when I finished…dude wipes out, unhurt. This is only one account. It’s actually very very creep to me how often stuff like this happens when I’m drunk.

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Have a quick look at this, basically saying alscohol makes you focus more on just one thing and that intense emotion comes along for the ride:

It’s mostly talking about alcohol abuse but the principle should be the same for any intoxication, no matter how infrequent.


Oooh interesting… may have to try drunk magick. I always put myself in an altered state of consciousness for magick now… super easy via Wim Hof breathing and bineaurals but I might take advantage of the time I’m merry too :laughing:


My friends mom can only do rituals, divination, ANYTHING magical related when she starts to drink. I personally like to smoke when I’m doing magic but not always. I think since our mental state is altered, we can connect more easily?? i dont know, just my two cents lol


One of the strongest psychics I know only does what he does when he drinks, though he claims it’s because he active suppresses his spiritual side when he’s sober.


I used to drink a bunch of caffeine before I gave readings in middle school, stopped it for awhile.


you made me laugh…


Any subconscious blockages/walls both mundane and spiritual are suppressed to the point your will overrides them. It’s like when a little kid goes for a cookie out the oven knowing damn well it’s gonna burn like hell. But, they endure the pain chewing that bitch with a smile knowing damn well that cookie was well worth the hassle.

The most hardcore curse I did I had to do piss drunk when I was 15 cause my fear of collateral damage would’ve fucked it all to hell. Once the Everclear kicked in and all blockages gone I became a demon in every sense of the word. I had a friend choke me out once the ritual was finished. Alcohol is a hell of a drug when used right

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Transient Hypofrontality (Neurology term, have fun reading if you’re a nerd like me.)

Same thing happens when people are on LSD or stoned. To power up the brain you must power down the part with the parking brakes so to speak. This is how TGS works

Drugs are facilitators of all magickal processes if you use them as such


not bad.

Alcohol is a cellular poison.
It changes your physical state.

Alcohol is also called “spirit”, isn’t it?

That’s because,
it can be used as a medium,
for pushing spirits into,
or out of a vessle.

correct. :slight_smile:




Because you are least resistant


When i smoke weed I can feel my spirits 3x as much, although it has crippled my feeling with them when I’m not using it , I would just Maybe 1-3x a week only

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I found that although I wanted to enhance my ability with substances it turned out that it not needed.
You don’t need the drugs you want them

This was my immediate thought. While I’ve definitely performed rituals under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, and psychadelics, I’ve actually found experimenting with whim hof breathing techniques and binureal beats to be just as if not more so fruitful as ways to induce a ritual altered state. I’ve also tried different breathing techniques inspired by whim Hof with walking meditation and rune galdr chanting with some really interesting results.
If anyone has never tried it I might reccomend trying out smoking or burning al lot of muellin and other herbs to smoke out a room, makes for some interesting headspace.

The power does not lie in your altered state of consciousness. Altered states helps opening up the vessel and getting you the fuck out of the way of the magic.

When you’re using the gateway of fire, alcohol acts as an accelerant in every capacity regarding your ritual–as does blood and smoke. So of course it stands to reason that it might enhance the strength of your magic, not your drunkenness (you imbecile).

Thanks for the name calling.

Budget Android phones with their phantom typing is a bitch. I hope it didn’t hurt your feelings.

Id say 1-3x a month would be better or once a week.

I took spliff shamanism quite far, at a certain point its like loading jet fuel into a toyota, until you upgrade the base body the fuel can only take you so far no matter how good a driver you are.

I live in Cali and to say we have the best weed would be quite and understatement.

The DP I go to also has some sort of spiritual practice or occult ties.

Very interesting strain names as well as glorified and accurate interpretation of MJ the personified spirit of the plant.

Next time you smoke call up Mary Jane, the spirits and ask her how to use the plant.

If you are interested PM me i can give you some of my tips to get the most puff for your buck.

Goes for you as well @ariesangel

Mac Miller - Self Care (slowed + reverb) - YouTube



For sure I use the thc carts which aren’t super healthy but I’m still gonna try that

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