Why pathworking might not be such a good idea, after all

@Warlock Essentially that was the reference. Yes. Force Choke as in Darth Vader.


To me different path seem like different ways to express power, kinda like how people express themselves through various activities. As an example track,parkour,muay thai. Each work muscles in the body but tryin to swap from one to the other with the right training could fuck you up but good.

By this i mean for example someone trained as a track runner getting it in their head they could go straight into parkour without further working on their flexibility. They may start out ok but the moment they attempt something out of their bodies current capacity it bite um on the ass.

Edit. Each uses the muscles throughout the body but each takes different levels of development and flexibility. An Olympic track runner is gonna have different muscles targeted than someone training for parkour and someone training in muay thai is gonna have a whole other batch of muscle development training. Each specializes in different areas.

That is how different pathworkings appear to me.

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I’m pretty sure in his last long video E.A. states the Norse gods encouraged him to return to working with demons after doing the Norse pathworking course. I don’t have time to listen to it again but I’m certain it was in there somewhere. :smiley:

And I’ve worked with all kinds of gods and nature spirits all my life and they’re the ones who encouraged me to work with demons, and even angels, which I had previously avoided all those years in order to avoid the general ambience of the monotheistic faiths.

They encouraged me to work with Ahriman, and that changed my life, it was like a massive healing & “soul retrieval” as it’s called.

So, that’s 2 data points against that being the way these spirits normally operate.

Maybe they thought it could be damaging to V.K. Jehannum, or had some other reason?



OP I encourage you to read Path Notes of an American Ninja master by Glenn Morris and in it you’ll find out about chi and some of what this inner power is capable of. Glenn also gives you exercises that you can do to awaken this chi and then you can experiment yourself to see if these powers are real or just B.S.

You could also look up Franz Bardon who is highly respected by many senior occultists in the community and especially look at his second book called The Practice of Magical Evocation. Then just read what the spirits can do or help teach you to do yourself potentially. Then you’ll get a better idea of what is genuinely possible. Of course this stuff is only able to be achieved after tremendous will and mastery of your craft as a magician, but it is possible to do all the things Bardon has listed in there and more.

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Very interesting thread.

Whoa! Odin attacked VK Jehannum? I guess if you are not one of Odin’s you could be under threat. He chooses you, not the other way around, in my experience.