Why is it every time after I do a ritual it rains?

Every time I do a ritual or after it starts to rain in my town ? Idk if this is coincidence or what ? I’ve notice every time it rains really hard and the coulds get really dark . I like the way it looks but I’m concerned.


Perhaps you work with a lot of elemental energies knowingly or unknowingly, that causes this shift in the environment surrounding you.

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Good sign of forces stirring from your work. Happened to me Alot years ago. :laughing: less frequent not working with raw elemental energy as much now. Least at this time.

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Check the weather from now on and you’ll know :grin:


Probably a storm child like me, we have a tendancy to effect the weather with our moods and intent.


Especially if you work with the element of water and the moon and sometimes Jupiter can increase humidity. If it gets to be to much work more with fire, the hour of the sun, mars etc

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I think I will start checking the weather honestly haha good idea

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Possibly I’m not sure :thinking: my element is earth

May be you have something to do with the archtype of rain/god of rain. Don’t ignore this kind of patterns, they reveal a lot. It is said that this is nature’s way of saying / indicating something important.

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Awesome thank you I can’t wait to see what’s in store for me :smile:

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Possibly but better do your natal birth chart just to be sure just because your sun sign is earth doesn’t mean its your strongest element.

Oh okay I will do :+1: thank you