Why do you think some people can't cope with the paranormal?

I honestly don’t see anything we do here or the idea of ghosts, psychic phenomena or ufo/extraterrestrials as paranormal but simply other parts of our reality just like anything else. However I have an atheist friend who even though has accompanied me on ghost hunts and first hand experienced me performing various psychic skills still can’t seem to believe it even after having seen it for himself. I’ve pondered this for years but could never really understand him. No matter what happens he always starts reaching for explanations outside of what it is. No matter what I show him he says things like, " it’s a trick, the other person was in on it, etc. Even as far as to find that some of his explanations are even more far fetched than simply saying it was a ghost. He has seen objects move on their own and came up with the crazy theory that it wasn’t a ghost it was some kind of gravitational phenomena etc. Any idea what’s up with people like that?


My wife’s an atheist. She’s seen me know things that I couldn’t know, go to the door because I know someone’s coming, and had occult friends that have told her they know I practice (etc) and had no way of knowing, yet, she doesn’t believe it.

In her case, I think it comes down to a few things (and this is having been with her since 2005). One is that it makes things more “complicated” and she doesn’t want to deal with that. Another is that she has ultra-religious family and their actions have turned her off from spirituality in general. The third is fear. It would upend her world. When you take an all or nothing approach, that’s a huge upheaval to have in your mid-40’s. And, she can’t really visualize things, so asking her to believe in something she can’t construct in her own mind makes it a lot more difficult.


That makes some sense I suppose, for her situation at least. My stepfather always said he believed in god but didn’t believe in ghosts. It’s strange the way people can compartmentalize their perceptions of reality.


Lot of that with my inlaws. They were raised to believe in the one, so the follow like sheep. But they are ultra-logical in everything else and due to the brainwashing they don’t question it (this also fits with the social crowds they run with). It is compartmentalized, for sure.


It kinda seems like it’s just not possible for some people to comprehend “supernatural” reality. It’s like they’re not plugged in all the way.


Can you imagine believing in God and not ghosts…common with Christians BUT then again if they can claim Christ-like behaviour is peaceful AND also support present day countries committing genocide justifying it by saying the bible says the land is theirs then we should not be surprized.

I have met a few people like you have described I chalk up their behaviour as not wanting to really critically think and accept what they are seeing. Pretty much their reaction is a lazy cop out.


Some people just can’t deal with their worldviews shattered. They would accept stupider theories just to deny the paranormal.


Have you ever heard of Plato’s Cave? If so, remember how the individuals that choose to remain inside of it reacted to the insight of the one who decided to venture out of it?


Maya, goddess of illusion
He’s not meant to know


When I was a teenager, I liked to read Bertrand Russel books. I am old so this was before the massive number of things like youtube philosophy videos. My dad had this huge Bertrand Russel collection, so the only religions/anti-religions I really knew much about were Christianity and Athiesm. I was aware of some other religions, but I did not know much about them. My dad was more agnostic, but Bertrand Russel was a hard core anti-mysticism materialist atheist. I read his philosophy book and decided Christianity was just responsible for a lot of bad things and I couldn’t really support it, besides who needs to believe in a bunch of superstition like some vague idea of “god” anyway.

Later on, I started reading one of the way to many biographies my dad collected on this Bertrand Russel guy. It turned out that some people in his family went insane and were institutionalized. So I think he chose to be so materialistic because he thought of it as a way to prevent insanity.

Then I saw my husband go totally insane and not really believe in religion or the supernatural, but instead he believed in conspiracy theories and crazy mind control technology and people controlling him. (but because he was insane they weren’t real people, just like fake copies of real people.) so, apparently not being religious and being materialistic cannot really protect you from insanity.


unbalanced placement in the birth chart.

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So he believes in the Holy Ghost but not regular ghosts? HUH :confused:


People who do that are either genuinely ignorant of the truth or are in serious denial. Those are the usual reasons.


No idea, I did a chant to get a parking lot as I was talking to my friend about magick to prove to him it was real, next thing you know a car disappears, he pulled into where it was, we’re both silent. Idk if he saw what I did. Then finally he breaks the ice “bro there was a car here right?!” Ever since then he’s believed in magick and understands me better.

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The answer to your inquiry and to so many other things, is simple: Most people are severely fucked-in-the-head. Doctors refer to it as FITH Syndrome. Take a good, hard look around and then tell me I’m wrong.

Checkout the mainstream media or porn. It’s the way it is because that shit sells. These selfsame cretins, proudly reliant upon their acknowledged as extremely limited human senses, are impervious to anything which questions their satisfying, intellectual comfy-chair paradigms – so rejection is their safest course.



Having no actual scientific evidene based on the “experts” that the paranormal is true but false and nothing but a trick in the minds of all. Absolutely ridiculous. Serious denial is a great way of putting it here.

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Meh… I wouldn’t waste your energy trying to prove or validate anything to anyone unless its like a passion of yours then by all means enjoy it,

I used to try to the ones I trusted but if its not for them, its just not for them end of story,
if they are drawn to it then they will pursue it with their own effort, just as you found this forum or know the knowledge you have, if you push something they dont want it just wont stick,

as far as why? hell could be infinite reasons… generally I think for some people ignorance is bliss, or its just simply too much for them, if they want to stay in a room an peek out the windows when the doors unlocked an they can walk out an see so much more for the rest of their life but choose not to because its simpler or easier then thats on them.

Everyone has their own pursuit of happiness

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I have pondered this myself. I think it comes down to denial. To accept the existence of the paranormal would shatter the ideological constructs in people’s lives where in most cases I think they would be religious (or to be fair education based as they don’t teach about the paranormal in schools, I think they actively avoid it) and ingrained from a very young age. Probably much easier to deny it than to have to challenge everything you’ve believed since a young age.

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I think a lot of it has to do with being conditioned as children. We all know that babies and young children can sense things and see things. But as they grow older, society /parents tells them that its not real and because they are young, they easily become brainwashed into thinking that way then as they grow older, when they are introduced to a situation where it can be proven that is does exist, they go into panic mode and deny it because they are taught its wrong and are brainwashed into thinking its evil and will hurt them.
As they grow older it leads into a socially conditioned situation. Most people are made to feel like they shouldn’t believe what we believe or do what we do because a larger amount of society doesn’t “approve” of it which brings them more fear and denial about it.


As a kid I never saw an angel, had an invisible playmate, saw an aura or had a ghost talk to me. So imagine trying to see any of this as an adult.