Why do so many people hate Yaweh?


I think, for a vast majority of people the answer lies in something simple.

This is removing all aspects of magick and other deity worship,

What kind of ‘ever-loving’ God can listen to someone call him so whole heartedly over and over again and never, not even once, show up to help those in genuine need?

How many Christian’s do you think over the last one hundred years have cried out to God to save them from something absolutely terrible and they were never saved?

That 8 year old girl in your local city (not a specific city, just generally all over the world) that was held down and raped repeatedly over and over again? Where was God when she was crying for him to help?

And then that same God has the audacity to speak about it as if it was some kind of lesson that had to be learned for that girl?
Or have the audacity to then say to that same girl “Beg for my forgiveness”.
No thanks. There’s no lesson in that. It’s pure evil, and he lets it happen day in and day out.
Im not trying to sound edgy here, but that same God is the one who really needs to beg for OUR forgiveness.

What kind of ‘God’ creates man and then enslaves them to work the land he created for them and doesn’t allow kind of knowledge to be given to them?

And Christian’s will sit there and they’ll tell you that Lucifer, Satan, the Devil, whatever you believe the angels name was is evil because he refused to accept what God was doing to us. No. That angel is not evil, that angel stood up against a tyrant and has had his name slandered because of it.

Christians will often say things like
“Have faith”
“The Lord works in mysterious ways”
“Have faith or God won’t reward you in heaven”

Again, what type of almighty God would smite his followers for having doubts about it? Especially when he’s never ever turned up to help ANY of them.

Here’s the thing;
Call upon Lucifer with a true heart and he will come, THAT for me is enough to know which side is the good and which side if the evil.

“I prayed to God every night and asked him to stop my mother suffering from my Dad beating her and he never came…but the Devil did because he took my Dad.”

  • John Ramirez

You should look at his story, he was a powerful sorcerer born into Santeria and then moved into Palo Mayombe and became a high priest, then moved to Christianty - however if you listen to his ‘testimoney’ you can clearly see he’s been deceived by the Christian ‘God’.

The ‘Devil’ saved him and his family from what his Father did to them, and then provided for him for his entire life as a Father would his son, and then John turned his back on him. Point of this little story is that he called upon the ‘Devil’ and he came, when God never did.

And as a last line, some food for thought -

“The Lord says we are sheep and he is our sheppard, however what he neglects to tell us is that the Sheppard leads his sheep into a slaughterhouse.”


That is hell of a post Jaydos. Nice work, you have a way with word. As I was reading I’ve heard in my mind “blasphemy” and thoughts that it might be a test of faith for the afterlife to come and all the struggles are going to be rewarded. Hmm, strange.


It’s all a matter of perspective. A literal interpretation of Biblical allegory, not too mention edits and errors in the text, leads to such conclusions. It is best to seek the foundational principles of truth that the Bible attempts to convey ( :slight_smile: most clearly done in the New Testament :slight_smile: ) instead of dwelling on allegorical details which can create temporary confusion that leads to temporarily unpleasant results.


I have to go with the gnostics on this one. yahweh, jehovah, allah, god and his archons = the (corrupted) demiurge. What’s to like about it? I don’t think you can distinguish between christian’s or christianity, muslims or islam. “It’s no where in da baibel, dat were not riel kristians” It’s definitely all in there, old or new. he is a vengeful fuck who enjoys bashing little babies heads on the rocks. his words, not Mine. And afterall you should judge a tree by its fruits I believe that’s in there somewhere too.



@Twilight_Dragon are you refering to his early incarnation before monotheistic synchronisation?


No person who appreciates knowledge for what it is would approve of a god who advocates ignorance and blind worship.

He helps his own and his own love him. He is simply not the for humans who wish to become like gods/daemons.


This is is most eye opening comment.

I’m sorry about what you went through :heart:

I’ve heard of him. I didn’t know if he was a true Satanist.

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Yes and his current form.

This could be true. Idk why but I feel that if I decide to work with him again he will accept me…

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Yes it can be seen why they’d Demonize him.

Yeah. LGBTs aka “sodomites” as well as alleged adulterers, alleged apostates and alleged blasphemers being put to death, etc. That’s just one (major) aspect, and there’s also the hold those religions have had on society.

Now, it is possible to practise those religions and remain very much stable, be happy, etc. Our names, our traditions were (partly) inspired by those religions (that took from older religions and myths). But you understand why some choose to disassociate.


Personally, I don’t hate him, I just view him as a parasitic deity and I would not want to be part of his agenda.


I think you mean libertarian, liberals are something elsw (ik, I was confused at first lol)


I don’t hate him, I just have different goals than his, and desecration is a huge turn kn lol

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I sometimes forget liberal has very different connotations outside of the UK lol


lol, I don’t know the implications outside the US XD

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Yes he is very understanding of human nature. He knows that we do not know and doubts are natural in the accumulation of knowledge.

A true philosopher/scientist/anyonewithintelligence second guesses themselves ALL THE TIME.

And lucifer forgives this.


Because he enjoyed enslavement also he likes poverty, he likes to think hes the only one out their thinking hes better then anyone else also he likes to send his poo son Jesus is a cunt to preach lots of lies to entrap people so they got no other choice to follow his religion through the manipulation of church by telling lots of fibs about Lucifer, also the church is a money making machine so when Catholics go to church the church send around these bowls so all the congregation put in money to feed the preast money to fund the Catholic priests pedophile sceams, thats why Catholic priests have alter boys, the Yaweh religion is one of the most narsty religion and all full of troll Christian and Catholic trolls, i am so glade to wash my hands of that religion, and put it all behind me and remain with the LHP Left eye path.


I don’t hate him per se, I am indifferent to him as he is indifferent to me. He’s supposed to be a “god” almighty, omnipresent, omniscient, that his will and deeds are the best for the humans with a deeper meaning that only he knows and no one should question it but accept it as it is. The perfect being that’s never mistaken.

While humans are just a flock of sheeps, there to worship and love him through fear with a free will as a “gift” which is to be blamed for everything that happens.

It is your free will to worship him. But if you don’t you’ll go to Hell and suffer in eternity.
God allowed for that little girl to be raped and murdered because it was in his great plan, which is pure and has the best interest of the humans and we shouldn’t question it.

I do not resonate with such cold and inhuman god.
It’s why I left Christianity in the first place. Pagan Gods all over the world are much different. They’re very close to human nature. They do mistakes, they have desires, they have feelings, they have weaknesses. They have passion. As humans do. And as a human being I can walk with them fair and square, I can question them, I can understand them and I can forgive them.