Who's got the "sight?" Pictures of manifestation

I’m sorry, I didn’t think to look at the date. I wouldn’t have brought it up if I had realized. I thought it was something posted this week.

But, I know that if I made any errors in my post that I would appreciate it if someone brought it up for me.

Sometimes I forget not everyone thinks like I do. Again, I’m sorry.

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It’s no big deal I assure you when my book is complete I will make sure it’s free of errors. :wink:


If you want to send over a manuscript for editing, I’d be happy to lend my command of the English language to you.

Pro Bono of course.


I might take you up on the offer.

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I love these pictures belial appears to me in a almost identical manner when i evoke him.

in my case this is abbot, perform a ritual with the seals of the 4 guardians and the seal of lucifer, the 4 arrived and they were photographed, to the north appears azazel doing a kind of reverence in front of the seal of lucifer that is in the center of the table, the other seals are towards their corresponding cardinal point, I in my life had imagined me as abbot, but there it is seen with a key of an ancient door in his hands

That was my first ritual and I made a sacrifice that day, it was the beginning in which my objects began to move in my own

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Here’s one of mine from a few years back on samhain when we called upon Hekate, Lilith, Lethe & Cerridwen to open the veil. All four plus ancestral spirits appear the more you look at it.


I see a face in the foreground. And one in the smoke

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The more relaxed you gaze the more appear. I can see all 4 goddesses and other spirits.


I can also see them, Prettiii :heart_eyes_cat:


After looking at it for a bit I see four (plus one?) female figures, a cloaked spirit, a horse and hounds. Maybe another 2 or 3 spirits as well.


I see 1 definately in the smoke left bottom screen 1 green in the bottom right with teeth. 1 in the upper middle in the green foreground

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I can see some ladies (5) and a dove spirit… prettiii :heart_eyes_cat:

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Here’s a picture of Bune. I’m surprised at how clear the three heads are. Kinda pops out at you