So as alot of you may guess, everytime I make a topic with this title, its going to have some questionable content in it.
Anyway recently this girl who I’m helping to teach some occult stuff asked me to evoke Azazel to participate in her scrying excercises. I did that and then she fell in love with Azazel after interacting with him a couple times.
So yeah… this sounds kind of not good, any advice about how to handle this?
[quote=“defectron, post:1, topic:1229”]So as alot of you may guess, everytime I make a topic with this title, its going to have some questionable content in it.
Anyway recently this girl who I’m helping to teach some occult stuff asked me to evoke Azazel to participate in her scrying excercises. I did that and then she fell in love with Azazel after interacting with him a couple times.
So yeah… this sounds kind of not good, any advice about how to handle this?[/quote]
Maybe she has some personal/emotional issues that she needs to solve first?
I can only assume that if she was in any kind of emotional imbalance when she worked with Azazel she got herself into some kind of infatuation with his energy. So I guess that she’s not really in love with Azazel but confused by what his energy can be associated with, such as guidance, protection, security, and the general sense of someone powerful being there for you. I mean that maybe she saw a reflection of what she needs right now in her personal life in Azazel’s presence/enegry.
Demonic infatuation does seem to be pretty common among beginning female practitioners from some things I’ve seen. I’d say your best bet is to evoke azazel again and see what his take is on this situation and if it’s his doing and to what end. Let him know your concerns and see what can be done about it. Usually in these cases there is some underlying issue on the part of the besotted and azazel might be helping her work it out in his own way.
Sounds like early signs of obsession to me. If she doesn’t know how teach her how to meditate and ground herself out. I experienced something similar when working with Paimon’s sigil. His energy scared the shit out of me by how intense and dark it was but I kept wanting to go back for more. I had to leave him alone for a bit and get myself centered again.
Kitari has a good point as well, talk to her and get a feel for if she can handle this or if she’s in over her head.
Azazel is one who requires devotion. this can often manifest as love. it’s best to warn her not to get too carried away. Part of the immersion this system requires is to devote yourself entirely to Azazel. for those of us who carry chaotin notions it is easy to become completely immersed in his dark current. Only to dismiss it once its usefulness has run its course.
One more piece of advice Defectron and I assure you I mean no disrespect but perhaps you shouldn’t be teaching someone if your unsure how to handle a situation should it arise. If you got into a jam and your occult teacher was unable to provide some guidance I’m sure you would feel like you were left hanging.
If she were experienced and clearly understood the risk then that’s one thing but to introduce someone as you put it with questionable common sense to a being as powerful as Azazel was also how you put it kinda not good.
[quote=“TheWanderingFool, post:10, topic:1229”]Sounds like early signs of obsession to me. If she doesn’t know how teach her how to meditate and ground herself out. I experienced something similar when working with Paimon’s sigil. His energy scared the shit out of me by how intense and dark it was but I kept wanting to go back for more. I had to leave him alone for a bit and get myself centered again.
Kitari has a good point as well, talk to her and get a feel for if she can handle this or if she’s in over her head.[/quote]
So, question here, how much does willpower come into play with being able to back off? Is the energy that intense that it can override your willpower, or is your will strengthened by realizing you need to back off?
I’m just asking this since my will to not smoke one cigarette after the other can be okay or brutal for me, depending on other circumstances. If an act of not chain smoking is that much of a will issue, I think I should start with some of the less intense entities first.
I have alot of entities around me and none have overrode my willpower. I think it has more to do with the human just not knowing any better. On the other hand I am pretty strong willed.
Speaking of my experience only the first time I worked with him and mind you that it was only with his sigil I got a very strong sense of his power. What scared me the most and excited me about it was later I felt a presence in the room that was almost smothering in the amount of power that was present. I don’t want to call it evil but it was dark and by far the most intense presence I’ve ever felt.
I found myself when working with his sigil that my trance states where much more intense and candles in the room would almost die out and then burst into a 2-3 inch flame repeatedly almost a strobe like pattern. I also kept havin the urge to charge the sigil more, open it again and again to feel that power in the room and around me.
I remembered hearing E.A. talk about how he used to evoke Paimon just to be near him and feel his power and how he eventually had to stop working with him because it was getting too close for comfort. I thought it would be wise to stop what I was doing before I got in over my head. Once I stopped myself from working with Paimon the urge subsided pretty quickly and I was back to normal in a few days.
Comparing the urge to work with entities and cigarettes is apples and oranges. Paimons energy was just seducing and completely on a psychological level, those evil fucking cancer sticks I love to smoke so much have a completely different kind of hold on me but I can go long hours without smoking I’ll have the desire but can hold it off until I have the opportunity to smoke.