Whoah there....the movie

So anyway tonight I called Sunas “freind” Anekesha. I made a sigil, put some door opening water on it and then charged it before placing it on my scrying mirror as I meditated. I felt a presence come into my space before I was even in the theta gamma synch. She was pretty eager to come by. The following is our conversation, I edited it for better readability as when I hear spirits talk it is usually kind of jumbled with only broad ideas being conveyed. She said it is A-ok to post all of it, because even though she turned out to more or less be what I thought she would, she thinks that Sunas either won’t believe me or even if he will it won’t change anything. I do apoligize to Anekesha if I am not remembering this 100% correct, but to the integrety of both our parts in the conversation I tried to get it as close to what I remember it being as I can.

Me: Welcome anekesha, it is nice to finnally meet you in person so to speak.

(to one of my guardians: This is Anekesha right?)

Guardian: It is

Me: Can you show me yourself in this mirror?

Anekesha (in the mirror I saw a visage of a tentacle appear, the tentacle was lined with fanged mouths, each of which had smaller tentacles emerge from them, needless to say I got a kick out of this as I do like things with tentacles and fangs)

Me: So what are your intentions with this sunas fellow?

Anekesha: I will feed on him. (she said something like this, I’m not sure if that is the exact wording, she may have also called him her prey, it was something like that)

Me: Was it your idea for him to come on that forum and act like a jackass in front of a bunch of trigger happy magicians while thinking he has gods protection?

Anekesha: Of course

Me: I thought as much I suppose thats occult darwinism in action. So what exactly are you? Your not a demon, one of my freinds seems to think you are a water elemental of some sort.

Anekesha: I am a siren, I lure men to their doom. He will writhe in agony and die.

Me: Can I feel your energy? (I then felt a pressure, it wasn’t unlike a bunch of water bubbles hitting my body, it was not as strong as some of the guys I am allied with but it was decently powerful nonetheless.)

Me: Ah, makes sense. Are you a servant of Lillith?

Anekesha: I serve no one but the blue waves of the ocean

Me: But you are interested in making an alliance with me aren’t you?

Anekesha: Yes

Me: just to let you know, I won’t be your bitch and I won’t bow down to you. But I won’t ask you to do that for me either, it would be a mutally beneficial partnership.

Anekesha: I know

Me: After the tempest project is completed I might be interested in doing so. Would you like an object to attach to if I should choose to do so? (I got an image of a fish tank)

Anekesha: Could I have permission to come into your dreams?

me: Only if you clear your intentions with my guardians first, and after that only if I give you express permission to do so.

Anekesha: Very well

Me: Earlier you said you served the ocean waves, is that some sort of diety.

Anekesha: It is the goddess of the ocean.

Me: Interesting, I may want to meet her later. Unless there is anything else that will be all. I thank you for your time and you may go whenever you feel like it.

(incidentally I know that in the future I am supposed to allie with three kingdoms of the ocean, perhaps Anekesha serves one of them)

My thought when I read the part about tentacle; “I’ve seen enough hentai to see where this is going”

My thoughts on this:

Trolled by fake pact. Genius.

I wonder how Suna that was supposed to contact Lilith ended in shit with a water elemental.

Suna speaked portuguese with me. Which means there is a high probability that Suna is brazilian. Even if Suna is from Portugal, they frequent a lot brazilian forums and sites of magick that are full of those trolling pacts.

So, where in world you can find many troll-mages? In Brazil!

Some of them will sell such pacts or rites for $60. Those pacts will attract enraged Shades of the Dead to the persons life. So steal peoples money is not enough, they must troll them spiritually.

Other troll-mages will make alliances with spirits like Anekesha. And will spread around fake pacts or rites that will manipulate and feed on people like Suna…and also get some money with it…

I can be wrong. But that’s what i think at the moment.

It’s quite possible that could be the case, I didn’t ask how they met though.

You seem to have the same thing happening that happens in many of my evocations, wherein the entity seems to already know what you’re going to say before you say it, even knowing the outcome of working with you before you do. I guess its kinda obvious why this is, but its still very interesting to me

I’ve always understand that spirits exist on the plane of Consciousness(I’ll explain more what I mean by this in a future post) hence their natural language is telepathy, not by the words your thinking, but the data underlying the words, the words behind the words… essentially understand the mental forces that are creating your thoughts. hence given them the illusion of knowing what your going to say before you do…I’ve even tried to to communicate with spirits this way… it’s stressful but it can be done

yeah also I did kind of think of alot of what I was going to say before asking so I’m sure that helped.

I’ve always understand that spirits exist on the plane of Consciousness(I’ll explain more what I mean by this in a future post) hence their natural language is telepathy, not by the words your thinking, but the data underlying the words, the words behind the words… essentially understand the mental forces that are creating your thoughts. hence given them the illusion of knowing what your going to say before you do…I’ve even tried to to communicate with spirits this way… it’s stressful but it can be done[/quote]
Makes perfect sense! I get alot of entities saying things along the lines of “why are you asking me this again? we just had this conversation 5 minutes ago!”

That’s how you get a spirit that can turn you into a troll

Why such a sad face man ? Its friday night, the moon is huge and getting huger…

Where did you get your door-opening water, by the way? The fact that you even use that term is impressive enough.

My occult teacher made it, he practices voudoun.

Very cool. Sounds like you’ve got the real thing there… which is rare in that (this) field!