Who has kids here? Unsure it's safe

Hi guys

I’ve been looking into working with a demon for a while now but haven’t yet made up my mind.

Myself I’m ready for this but I have a 7 year old son and yesterday I watched a video on yt from the black witch covern and she said its irresponsible and dangerous to have a demon around you as kids are easily messed with when it comes to energies.

Any thoughts on this?


I don’t think there will be any problems because I have a little brother(12 years old) and I still live in the same house he does and I even work with more unpredictable spirits like Jinn and Djinn as well as Demons and until now I had no problems but If you’re really worried about your kid I suggest you try working with demons like Lucifer but it’s up to you

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Our dear @Lady_Eva might have some insight to share on this. Now I don’t if she has children of her own, but she does have a Demon child.


I’m thinking about working with Lucifer.

But I’ve never worked with any entitie before so whichever demon I choose shouldn’t be too intense.

I need help with my kundalini blockages and also a lot if money issues etc.

So Lucifer doesn’t mess around with children?

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You’re fine with him. He and I are… Close. I’m getting the feeling he may even protect them.


@Cajunjay I’m not advising you either way, but about Lucifer he has been really cool to work with. The first time I evoked him he told me that he was holding back his power (energy) so as not to scare me since I am so new to this type of work.


Hmmmm, Lucifer does sound fascinating to work with.

Why isit I have so much fear when thinking about working with him, it’s my own fault from years of being into the illuminati and what the fuck there upto.

I can meditate deeply very easily but have never met, felt or witnessed any entity before.

I’m not in this to make a fast buck as others have worked with Bune and or Clauneck and found, were given, manifested money but just pocket money like 50 bucks etc.

I think envoking a spirit to make small change is quite immature but what do I know.

I do need more money but want to create something more stable like a business with on going income not just a lump sum here and there. Mainly I want to complete my kundalini and have it rise through the all chakras. Inner alchemy might be a better way to put it.

So I’m here to learn and work with a spirit that can really get shit done. Btw guys when I ask my needs to given entitie what isit they might ask for in exchange for example.

I’ve wondered why some people don’t keep up there end of the deal then shit hits the fan.

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Where you Christian at one point? We’re you fed things about him? That’s why.

If you feel unsafe, I can teach you how to summon myself. [quote=“Cajunjay, post:7, topic:18988”]
Btw guys when I ask my needs to given entitie what isit they might ask for in exchange for example.

Simple things. Offerings, public thank yous, a small drop of your blood.


I would like to be able to speak with him first if that’s possible about what I want and what he would want from me.

I’ve not ever had a religion but my days of learning about the illuminati has put a lot of negativity in my mind.

Unsure what to do right now, your help would be much appreciated.

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I have a child. Be careful. My spirits used to scare him. Just because they were mischievous like that. Or they would bother him in his sleep. Until, I told them if they did it again I would banish them and never work with them again. They stopped instantly. So lay your ground rules down. You are not a slave to spirit. You work with spirit. They do what you allow. It’s all about respect. They have to do what you say if they want a working relationship with you. If they don’t like your terms and they want someone they can drain at the detriment of that person then they will move on. It’s all about what you want or don’t want.


Im starting to have doubts now.

I failed to mention my son is 7 and has autism. I suspect he can already see spirits so introducing a demon into my home might not be a great idea.

I will take on board that I can tell the entity to leave him and my wife alone.


You should be perfectly find working with Lucifer, If you’re worried about him messing with you son, try to push that thought away. He is a very understanding spirit, In all my work I’ve only seen his wrathful aspect when I asked about it, out side of that to actually upset Lucifer would require a major faux pas.

I know it’s really not the same, but my cat loves staying in my ritual room when I’m doing things, I’ve only had him have a violent reaction to one spirit. For one reason or another, kitty did not like zohak. Out side of that, be respectful to the spirits and they will respect the boundries you set

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I have noticed that the parents of my goddaughter don’t really want me working magick around her, even though I have already asked Lilith to look after her in my absence. shrug I don’t really see the problem, but I have a vastly different perspective than the parents of my goddaughter.

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You guys have put across to me thst Lucifer is a gentle and kind spirit.

I need to get my head around this as ive been indoctrinated to think otherwise. I have heard numerous accounts of him being just as you all say.

Can I ask you guys why the illuminati use Lucifer as there saviour and have celebrities etc make pacts with him.

Usually these celebs end up in a bad way, but I guess having tons of cash and fame can take its tole and might become a burden in the end.

I knows its a bit off topic, but these celebs are usually involved in blood sacrifices of animals and children even babies. Why are they doing such thing?

You see my reservations regarding working with Lucifer.

You are all very knowledgeable and friendly nit something you might expect on a forum designed fir the LHP.

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I don’t have kids but I live with other people and they haven’t been affected by the demons I have summoned. In fact I doubt they know I have summoned Lucifer, Crocell, the Devil and Baphomet and had an unexpected visit from Marbas, and they have absolutely no knowledge of my summoning a war goddess. (They think you need a knife to summon demons, haha. No you just need their sigil).
Anyway, I think your kid will be okay. Some demons might even protect him, especially if the demon is parent-like and likes children.


If you take the mythology at face value you will find that the Bible only mentions Lucifer a few times (depending on translation) and one reference is to Jesus Christ the other is to the king of Babylon, Isaiah 14:12 from the new international version How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! (Nebuchadnezzar )
and Lucifer is not a fallen angel. Lucifer is only mentioned twice and it’s only in certain translations like the king James. Lucifer is not a Hebrew word it’s . Means morning star and the story of the fall of Lucifer is actually an ancient Canaanite myth in reference to Attar attempting to overthrow Baal and failing and becoming lord of the underworld instead. Both Hebrew and Christian religions are a mosh mash of other faiths that came before. Islam is also but much more mosh mash from other faiths. When you call Lucifer you are calling on an ancient Canaanite god. The other references are twice in Job in Peter and in Psalms. And none of those are in reference to an entity but refer to the morning star. It’s also the name of two different saints. It is not what everyone thinks it is in fact Lucifer has basically nothing to do with Christianity or Judaism or Islam. When you call on Lucifer you call on a pre Hebrew god.
All new religions are based on an ignorance of previous religions.
Isn’t it nice to have a doctor of divinity on hand? Even if my doctorate is only honorary. Excuse me Dr. Faustus…

Now you can all know how fucking stupid and ignorant and easy to control celebrities are. Also I have never met a real luciferian that thought sacrificing kids was OK.


Here’$ a treat for you… And like Madonna says “Bitch… Your jealous…”. But yes I’ve been told some interesting things by the Baal spirit.

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