Who does the cabal (elite) serve?

You’re underestimating the kind, my friend.

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The elite are in the occult. No coincidence that a member of the Royal Family is also the Grandmaster of the Masonic Lodge

Aside from that let us not forget that wikileaks dumped all of Hillary Clinton’s emails and one of her staff emailed her to say they were going in their backyard to do a chicken sacrifice to Moloch.

In the UK the elite being practicing the CRAFT via lodges since like the 1700s supposedly and in present day it is fueling corruption the magic is just the glue to the brotherhood that opens doors and maintains a lot of corruption which is how the control the world. Which is why scotland and the UK had mandated in the past that powerful government officials declare their membership.

In short the elite serves any and every power, spirit, god etc. that can continue making them elite.

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We’re getting inevitably political now folks, sorry, can anyone who wants to keep talking about this please make a group PM? Cheers. :+1:

[Peace Treaty] Community Unity - No More Politics