White Feathers

Recently i’ve begun to find white feathers around my house and a few in my clothes. It sure as hell ain’t the birds, though i feed pigeons. I have read up on this phenomena on the net and some of the info says, ‘angels are near’ while the others ‘loved ones are watching over’, personally i’m confused with this because it’s been a while since i worked/invoked angels.
What do you guys think?

[quote=“Pazuzu, post:1, topic:5338”]Recently i’ve begun to find white feathers around my house and a few in my clothes. It sure as hell ain’t the birds, though i feed pigeons. I have read up on this phenomena on the net and some of the info says, ‘angels are near’ while the others ‘loved ones are watching over’, personally i’m confused with this because it’s been a while since i worked/invoked angels.
What do you guys think?[/quote]
Same here…In my house and on the ground…Most of the times outside, but i’ve seen some of them in my bedroom or in the bathroom.

That is interesting Pazuzu. I know whenever I would work with Eshu I would randomly find parrot feathers wherever I would walk. With Lucero (Palo similar to Esu) I would see shooting stars way too frequently to ignore. Theyre not too common a sight to begin with but at the rate I would see them it would trip me out. Lucero/Nkuyo Malongo in the original Bantu cosmology is archetypally perceived as a star which acts as a guiding illuminating force when “learning to walk at night”. I would contemplate in a relaxed state without focusing on anything specific but the feathers, the circumstances around them and how they make you feel. Sometimes overanalyzing and looking to find an immediate answer only blur and confuse the message…

[quote=“Pazuzu, post:1, topic:5338”]Recently i’ve begun to find white feathers around my house and a few in my clothes. It sure as hell ain’t the birds…

What do you guys think?[/quote]

Maybe a couple of demons are having a pillow fight.

I’ve had this happen a few times at the beginning of my spirit relationship except they were grey with white tips.I think it happened 3 or 4 times if i remember correctly and again recently i think my landlord hung up the same type of colored feather in the kitchen.I still have the first feather on her alter.