Which is better: One Curse or Several Curses?

From your experience, which tends to be more successful: one curse or several curses? Or, if one “feels the need” to send more than one, does it already suggest the preceding curses were unsuccessful?

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Use the one right curse, the fact your considering multiple implies you are insecure of your skills. Choose a curse that feels right and do it and forget about it. If it doesn’t work in 3 months and your still mad or hurt try another curse.

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The only time I’ve used more than one was during a time where someone was literally trying to destroy my life.Although I was going for mire of a banishing.
Anytime I felt the pain,anxiety,or anger this person was causing I would just take all the emotions and visualized myself literally handing these emotions back to the person causing them and stating out loud "here these are yours and I don’t want them anymore.

I realized I was having to do this multiple times because I hadn’t released ALL of my pain and anger at once.

I released it in ritual (not to kill but to banish) and them called the archangels in for good measure

Never heard of the person again except people that knew her saying everytime they see her she cries and tells them to tell me she’s sorry and to forgive her


[quote=“Musta_Krackish, post:3, topic:2558”]The only time I’ve used more than one was during a time where someone was literally trying to destroy my life.Although I was going for mire of a banishing.
Anytime I felt the pain,anxiety,or anger this person was causing I would just take all the emotions and visualized myself literally handing these emotions back to the person causing them and stating out loud "here these are yours and I don’t want them anymore.

I realized I was having to do this multiple times because I hadn’t released ALL of my pain and anger at once.

I released it in ritual (not to kill but to banish) and them called the archangels in for good measure

Never heard of the person again except people that knew her saying everytime they see her she cries and tells them to tell me she’s sorry and to forgive her[/quote]

This, and your result, are awesome! Thank you! I too have a lot of negative emotions for one person, I will do the same!


Fuck cursing, it takes too much effort.

Just use Adverse Therapy and Uncle Chuckie’s ways and get the guy to hang himself and leave you everything in his will.

Hell, you don’t even need to get up. You just need two chairs.


One is sufficient.

[quote=“Sevarn304, post:5, topic:2558”]Fuck cursing, it takes too much effort.

Just use Adverse Therapy and Uncle Chuckie’s ways and get the guy to hang himself and leave you everything in his will.

Hell, you don’t even need to get up. You just need two chairs.[/quote]

How long should that take then ?

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I have always felt it is better to focus on one particular ritual at any time. Be it baneful magick or otherwise, it helps to stick with a particular method for at least a week before you switch to other ones.

If focused attention is what powers your work, then having attention left over for another curse means you could have done your first one better.

But sometimes it’s the thought that counts, and more than one curse helps deliver that extra “fuck you”.


I’m sorry, what does “Adverse Therapy and Uncle Chuckie’s ways” mean? English isn’t my native language and I don’t catch the reference haha. Thanks in advance!

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