I had an astral warfare going on which recently ended. I wanted a list of angels who I can contact for healing, banishing, cleansing, protection, and knowing the truth. I already use the Angel of Omnipotence Ublisi for protection. I had Haamiah in my mind. Anybody else? Saints and methods other than evocation are welcome
Raziel’s Paths of power volume I
Kahetel “Protects you from supernatural attacks and drives away evil.” “Protects you from the negativity of others.”
Heziel “Protects you from unseen threats.”
Riyiyel “Protects you from unknown enemies.” “Reveals information that is distant or hidden from you.”
volume II
Cassiel “Will protect you.”
Michael “Will protect you from physical and supernatural dangers, both direct or accidental.”
Nathaniel “Will protect you.” “Will purify and cleanse you of negative influences.”
Sandalphon “Will protect you from both human and spiritual evil.”
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