Hey Zach! Love the intro; welcome to the Party! I get a very pure, simple “vibe” on You - very open & very grounded, more than a little Primal … at home with Yourself … a bit forgetful, but charming in a casual sense. A refreshing & unique attitude - not quite rogue, but definitely ‘devil-may-care’.
I’m not the True Audiophile You are, but I totally agree with the Magick in Music. Music is perfume to the Soul; it soothes, refreshes, energizes and consumes.
Neophyte, you are welcome!
What a great benefit you shall be to all your Kin here. And all you speak of yourself is absolutely spot-on… do you realize how rare that depth of ACCURATE Self understanding is? I am most interested in watching your interactions here, in the months to come… I’ve always been especially fond of the Fool archetype. Are you yet aware that within the Fool lies the Avatar sleeping? Z
I use the name Maxx Silver on most of the internet because it gives me the numbers 663 which I add to my birth numbers of 323 and will give me a better combination of numbers to infuence vibrations that take place around me. Much better than the name given on my birth certificate…or so for my line of thought. The 2 is the lifepath and triple 3s increase the ability to function in sales along with the double 6s for business knowledge. So I picked it completely for what it does.
PS. I did fail to mention I use the sigil of Lucifer on almost all sites I am located and even sign many of my mails with the name Lucifer. I do find an affinity with that being although I understand that is not his actual name and very few on the planet really do know the actual name. I was told that maybe a couple of magicians within the Vatican do know the actual name. I look forward to discovering if that is the case or not.
Ahhhh, Maxx. So practical, methodical & orderly. As for “Lucifer”, you are correct - that is NOT His true name. (And neither are Satan, the Devil or any of the other ugly (and erroneous) conclusions drawn by christendom!).
And actually, you DO know His name; you just don’t know that you know. How bold are you?
Call Him just as the sky begins to lighten, before daybreak, on open ground, facing North. Do not look up, but down, upon the Earth. Do not wear shoes, but bare you sole to Him. If your Desire is simple & pure, with no trace of ulterior motive, but only to Know Him, HE WILL COME.
I use the name Luxbey because it’s a rearrangement of the of the letters of the name of my favorite card Yubel (with an “x” added in because it feels right to me). Yubel when she was given a personality was sadistic and masochistic much like mine. Because of that, who I am and the energy I posses and use, led me to my religious path as well in which we serve our God in blood and pain in hopes of gaining His gift of being gods on earth so we can serve Him forever. Something that “Becoming a Living God” can also help me with. Because of all this the name Luxbey also brings me closer to my God.
Oh Luxbey! Would that I could say to you what is in me to say! But it would be an intrusion, and I will not bare what I know to public eyes. For now, just know that you are welcome here, as all are. We treasure our diversity AND our ability to allow Others to be as they choose, free of judgement. And I will offer this to you:
I hope you find what you are searching for … and I hope you have real clarity about what it IS you are searching for … open up to yourself, Luxbey, self honesty is priceless. YOU are priceless. Z
@Joy; well, I wouldn’t say that I am called to the Northern traditions; I walk my own Path which I can’t really define… it doesn’t have a label. But one thing is for sure,… I’m actually eclectic. I have Celtic influences, as well as Siberian, Northern/Germanic as Greek. For instance,… the Goddess you call Hell, to me she is Hekate. But then again, since the beginning of last year Azazel came into my life, which is why I ended up on this forum
But whatever influences I gathered on my Path, it has always been on the dark side. That’s why I feel so much at home here
i’ve used ‘Cheezus’ for a few years now. I’d like to be able to say there’s a deep meaning behind it, but…my youngest child said it once while he was trying to say ‘Jesus’. It stuck. I thought it was funny.
DakrVnet is an anagram for DarkVent, and not a very good one I might add. Dark is obvious. I prefer the night, the darkness, the shadows. I prefer subtlety and subterfuge to direct conflict, but both have their place in my life. Vent is a bastardization of the French word for wind. I love the wind, I love that what brings life can cause such global destruction. I am eclectic. In my opinion all routes to power that are viable are acceptable routes to power.
Oh Bran, what an EXQUISITE story!! Thank you so much for taking the care to elaborate & detail it. A joy to read.
Being of Welsh/Irish lineage, the Celts are my Ancestors. So the Name BRAN has so much significance for me.
If you’re interested in further understanding of the story of Bran, try googling “Welsh Deities Bran the Blessed”. I believe you will connect a whole lotta dots & fill in a whole lotta blanks, if you do this. As an aside, on the Irish end of it, the DAGDA of the Tuatha de Danann is the Irish counterpart. (Its the “Ulster Cycle”, and I believe the hollowed hill will fall into place.) Both Bran & Dagda are “Resurrection Gods”
Nice to see a fellow Belgian on the site, en dan nog wel nen Antwerpenaar. I’ve been to the dolmens in Wéris several times in my youth, but only for recreational purposes at that time. They definitely emanate a special type of energy. There’s also a menhir in the surroundings, but right alongside the main road, it’s not exactly a spot where one could have a meditation session.
JOY You’re a fierce, tough little thing, aren’cha? I LOVE your Humor & sincerity…
CHEEZUS How hilarious is that!!! I think its priceless your own son “named” you!! Good to have ya!
DAKRVNET How soothing and chill-feeling you are! I bet you’d just go into ecstasy standing in the midst of one of our famous raging thunderstorms, here in the Deep South … I do!
Glad each of You is here … its a real good place to be Z
My name is the unfortunate result of my congenitally esoteric nature. (I don’t know what that sentence means either. I’m usually in bed by now.) I like Sultitan Itan because it sounds like some kind of barbarous word or exotic foreign name, which it definitely is not. And are we talking thin white shorts or those big boring cargo things?
Ahh Zoe you are indeed a sorceress of semiotics and already an angel of the boards…I can see you have a rare gift for inspiring people and making them see the mundane as if it was invested with hidden meanings…Bless you for your kind words, and no i was not aware the Fool contained the avatar…Thank you I must look into it again!
[quote=“Zoe, post:27, topic:61”]Oh Luxbey! Would that I could say to you what is in me to say! But it would be an intrusion, and I will not bare what I know to public eyes. For now, just know that you are welcome here, as all are. We treasure our diversity AND our ability to allow Others to be as they choose, free of judgement. And I will offer this to you:
I hope you find what you are searching for … and I hope you have real clarity about what it IS you are searching for … open up to yourself, Luxbey, self honesty is priceless. YOU are priceless. Z[/quote]
all i did was answer honestly. i know what im saying, i know what im searching for, i know what it is that He offers. until the day i gain it all im doing is bettering myself in anyway possible.