Where is the Luciferian Feminine? Where is the female power?

Not only are there MANY feminine spirits in the demonic realm, they catch wreck in ways the male ones just can’t.

Take Erzulie D’en Tort. Her vever is a heart with a knife buried in it. She’s fucking hardcore. I say her name a lot, for a reason. You don’t want her mad at you.

There are plenty more. Artemis. The Morrigan. Medusa. Kali Ma. La Santissima Muerte. Pombagira. I can name them all day, there are so many.

Even some of the ‘nice’ spirits (such as the Pixies and Sirens) will use their beauty and charm to fuck people up.

Realize the female body is the altar of magick. You are a living prenda.

You’re in the right place if you want female power, there’s lots of that in magick.


The very concept of masculine vs feminine is arbitrary. These are just boxes humans put themselves in because they want everything to fit in a pattern and nuance is too much to handle.

The occultists that popularize the tradition are mostly male, and their audience are mostly likely majority male(don’t have any actual stats on that). If you’re in the left hand path and the whole idea is that you’re trying to gain person power, you’ll likely identify with things that are presented in culture as “male” to be your role models because that’s just how our primate brains work.

None of these spirits actually have a gender. That’s a human concept. Think outside the box. Stop identifying so strongly with the meat puppet you’re piloting.


I agree to an extent, but also disagree on them not having actual genders, the beings we talk about aren’t spirits that’s just people calling them spirits because they cannot manifest here. That’s like ignoring the fact they could very well be physical on their own plane, as that’s where their body is. Of course when they come here they won’t be physical because they cannot adjust to the density of this world. Pretty sure lucifer has had kids with women, pretty sure Lilith has had children and birthed through her vagina, so on and so forth. To strip them of that is in my opinion more of a thinking inside the box ideology brought on by assuming spirits are far different from us because they exist on another plane, but they do share some similarities to us. I’m pretty sure when we project we can sometimes be considered spirits to them, but given our world’s density is much more dense than theirs our energy bodies can adjust to that plane they’re on.

Edit: but dont get me wrong I don’t believe elementals have genders unless they choose to, same with primordial deities like embodiments (nyx, erebus, kauket, etc)


I actually really liked what you posted. The meat puppet had me in stitches though :joy:

I love this.
As humans, we add our own emotions and limitations to everything. Its something i find myself doing all of the time. It is nice to remember that it does not do to put my own concepts on others that do not share those same limitations

This is not the place for your identity politics. Tumblr is your go to place to wear your pussy hat and scream at the heavens.

That added 0 to the conversation lol

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What does that even mean for them on their end? Like, this is how reproduction works for humans because of evolution, but what makes you think gods and demons follow that same design?(especially sense we already know they dont follow our morality, and exist outside of time and how are timeless beings givem birth to anyway)

Just as a few examples, on earth we have creatures that lay eggs, reproduce through pollen or spored, and at the simplist level cells that just divide to make more of itself.

We have to ask ourselves, why are these beings most commonly depicted with human bodies and emotions? Probably because our mind associates sentience and sapient exclusively with other humans. Giving things a human shape and explaining how certain things are related to each other in a simplied way is probably done for our benefit. Because if we were to actually gain knowledge of what they truely were and how demons function we’d probably end up with a lovecraft type of situation it would make our minds rip apart.

What makes you think they don’t? just because we have genitals doesn’t mean they didn’t have them first. Most occultists assumes “oh cause humans have it nonhumans must be so far out of our common happenings” Basically what I’m saying is some may have genders some may not, but to assume that they are “spirits” because they exist on a different plane does not mean they don’t have them. It does not mean they don’t experience things the same as we do, that’s equivalent to saying because we are in one country another country must be different, but it’s not, they’re people who live their lives, work, have a family and struggle their own personal things just like us the only difference is culture.

Hell not too long ago some occultist were “demons and angels don’t experience emotions as we do” but who’s to say they don’t? Also, I doubt our minds will rip that’s just people who choose to have an over the top view of demons and such, they could be simple as hell and someone second guess because they WANT the demon or entity to be visually complex because if they weren’t you’d lose all oos and awes about the entities you hold so highly and that very well could be why you can’t view their actual selves. The way I view entities are just everyday people who just so happen to exist elsewhere, have different cultures and morals or lack of morals than we do, I do not hold a “we are not worthy to gaze upon you” mentality because I do believe we can see an entity’s true form if we wanted or if we got rid of that lesser than thou mentality.

Well, you’ve certainly given me food for thought and challenged my preconceived prejudices. I think there is plenty for me to consider and change my mind. Thank you.

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I would suggest Nythra the void mother. Half of the dark gods from the Nekkhala are “female”.
That being said it is much more like saying that a planet or a star is male or female. If some like Lilith or Samael embodies clearly males or females attribute, most of this beings are conscieness. The male and female caracteristic, from a scientifical views are determined by your genome. Immaterial entities doesnt have a genome.
Loki, as many gods, can switch from male to female, and even species, in order to give birth.