Where are the consciousness centers?

Where are they located. How can i use them to lucid dream and astral project?

A center of consciousness is a source, or the hive minds. Each mask is controlled and or created by one of these sources. Some are not controlled, but enabled through them. When we summon anything it’s only a mask, you usually have to travel to find the sources, at least in my experience. You summon a mask that takes you to a source. Much meditation ahead of you.

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@BadSanta So the source connects me to my physical body? I am only talking about the consciousness centers of my physical body.

Okay, so the body is just a flesh tool. Your spirit is what you need to focus on. Research Chakras, and Kundalini. Make both parts of you one. Zokar is the mantra for Chakras, Mitokar for Kundalini. Meditate on those. - YouTube check that out.

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Yes I know all that. But right now, my consciousness is stuck in my physical body. That’s why I want to get it out

Have you deified yourself yet? Makes it easier, otherwise start researching astral travel and follow their methods. Once I started paying respect, this shit was so much easier.

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How do i deify myself? What do you mean by paying respect

Please watch my video, get in that frame of mind, then you’ll understand paying respect better. Then once you feel comfortable and content. Think of a name and draw a sigil for yourself. (:

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