When magick doesn't work

One possibility that I haven’t seen anyone mention here yet, is that someone could be opposing your workings.

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Could be, but how could someone with zero occult knowledge be able to do something like that? It’s frustrating and a matter of principle at this point. One thing that stands out to me though is that this person gave me a huge unsettled feeling from the start. Not bad, just very unsettled and almost high . Couldn’t eat or sleep. It wasn’t good like butterflies. It’s really hard to explain, but it was super intense.

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To put it short Magick always works! There is always an energy that is put out into the universe that is interacting with your intention! However, this energy might be too minuscule or simply is taking to long and your intentions may manifest a little too late as for spirits they will deny ur requests if It is actually not necessary or it simply will not benefit you remember the know more than us so what we might think will benefit is might actually not.

Basically not enough energy or strong enough will or intention (don’t lust for it either) or you might have thought of the spell too much afterword and your conscious thoughts got in the way of the universe manifesting and it canceled it out! (this happens a lot just don’t think of ur spells after you complete them straight up forget that you even did them)

For spirits either one its a bad request or two, you are not ready.


I’m torn on the spirits not helping because it may be a bad idea. I’ve tossed this around in my head alot. On the one hand, I feel like the whole reason we use magick is to bend and twist things to our will. So the theory of spirit guides or what have you , turni.g down the request seems unlikely. Add to that, I find it hard to believe that multiple demons would turn the request down. Being mostly neutral I don’t think they care one way or the other how things work out for us. But on the other hand, specifically knowing that Lucifer is one of my guides I could see him putting the brakes on the whole operation. One because he takes care of me and won t let it happen . Two because it’s bad and he’ll end up having to fix whatever got fucked up.


You cannot create love out of thin air. It has to be a process. Read Damon Brand’s Magickal Attraction. Also, with love, you have to offer your best self and be kind. That is how you attract your specific person.

when at first you don’t succeed, you can try, try again.
and eventually let it be, a watched spell doesn’t cook

One of the many reasons why magick may not work is that we often only use it for manifesting things or fixing problems, without giving enough consideration to the practice itself. Practices such as breathwork, visualization, and meditation are important aspects of magick, and neglecting them can hinder its effectiveness. This is where the importance of ritual magick, particularly daily practice, comes into play.( LRP, LHR, MP)

The key elements in magick are energy and goal setting. If our goals are too lofty or unrealistic, magick may not be able to manifest them effectively. Jason Miller’s definition of magick as influence rather than a direct cause is worth noting. Magick is a tool that allows us to influence the world around us, but it is not a guaranteed solution for causing specific outcomes.

The more we practice magick, the more proficient we become at manifesting our desires. It is crucial to approach magick with a strategic mindset, treating it like a military troop, employing tactics and strategies. By using magick proactively, we can aim to prevent undesired events from occurring or address them before they escalate.